Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Experienced Patient & Public Involvement Community (EPPIC)

As part of the teaching, learning and assessment of our health and social care students, the Clinical Skills Centre has an established group of volunteers, who form the Experienced Patient & Public Involvement Community (EPPIC).

What is the EPPIC programme?

What is a ‘simulated patient’?
In order to improve their training we need to give student doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals more opportunities to develop their practical skills in supervised conditions before undertaking them on hospital wards and community healthcare settings. To do this we want to enlist the help of volunteers who are prepared to ‘act’ as patients so that students can practice and rehearse the skills in our Clinical Skills Centre.
What would I have to do?
If you were enlisted we would ask you to be prepared to come into the centre for 6-8 half-day sessions per year. During these sessions you might be asked to let students ask you questions, as if you have a medical illness; be physically examined; have non-invasive tests performed on you (such as blood pressure or ECG recording); or have treatments explained to you or given to you (in a simulated fashion). You would not be asked to do anything that made you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.
Am I suitable?
We are looking for reasonably fit and healthy adult volunteers of any age who are sufficiently local and mobile to travel to the Clinical Skills Centre (in Queen's Medical Centre).
Would I get paid?
For this initiative we are looking for people who will do this on a voluntary basis. However we do off a small gratuity per session to cover your expenses.
Would I get any training?
Yes. If you are interested we will first contact you and ask you to complete an application form. You will then be invited to an information session where we can tell you more about what is involved and make sure that you are suitable. If you are happy to continue, then we will provide the training you require.
What do I do next?

Please contact the simulated patient programme coordinator for further information


Simulated Patient

Simulated Patient

Simulated Patient


Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

Contact us