School of Politics and International Relations

Dr Andreas Fulda's appearance on Al Jazeera's Head to Head debate: 'What is the human cost to China's economic miracle?'

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Dr Andreas Fulda debates with Victor Gao and Professor Steve Tsang

We are delighted that our very own Dr Andreas Fulda appeared on Al Jazeera's most recent episode of their series Head to Head, entitled 'What is the human cost to China's economic miracle?', as part of a panel of experts on the topic including Victor Gao (Vice President of the China for China and Globalisation) and Professor Steve Tsang (Director of the China Institute, University of London) responding to the debate taking place between host Mehdi Hasan and key speaker Charles Liu (Senior Fellow at Peking University and informal adviser to the Chinese government).

Filmed at the Oxford Union, the debate was broadcast on Friday 15 March at 8pm GMT - but this can still be viewed online and has thus far amassed over 200,000 views on  YouTube alone!

Further to this, you can view Andreas' short twitter thread (read more of his tweets on @AMFChina), and read Al Jazeera's post on it on their website.

From all of us at the school, congratulations to Andreas for being invited onto the program and for delivering such a stellar performance and many important contributions to the debate!

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Posted on Tuesday 26th March 2019

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