Assessing the importance of strategic and political context for military reforms in Ukraine

Funder: British Academy/Leverhulme Trust
Principal investigator: Professor Bettina Renz, Co-investigator: Dr Sarah Whitmore (Oxford Brooks University)
Duration: October 2019 - September 2021
This research grant, led by Professor Bettina Renz, explores the type of military in Ukraine that is best suited to the needs and wants of the country. This contrasts with dominant security sector reform (SSR) approaches that prevail in the West, of which proponents espouse as the ‘ideal’ structure for military operations worldwide. Dr Renz, and her colleague Dr Sarah Whitmore from Oxford Brookes University will conduct research involving document analysis and interviews with military and civilian actors to gain a clearer picture of Ukraine’s strategic and operational requirements.
The project will take place over two years, and started in late 2019.
This research is funded through a British Academy/Leverhulme small grant.