School of Politics and International Relations

Areas of Supervision

Research in the school is principally organised around our centres and institutes. Below are some of the areas of research in which our staff currently specialise and areas where they can offer expert supervision.

Should you require further information, please contact the relevant member of staff.

Supervision areas
Staff memberSupervision areas
Professor Katharine Adeney
  • Linguistic nationalism in India or Pakistan, either at the national or the state/provincial level
  • The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor - especially in relation to Special Economic Zones
  • The Digital Silk Road or agriculture
  • Religious majoritarianism in India, Pakistan or Sri Lanka
Dr Neema Begum
  • Ethnic minority political behaviour
  • British politics
  • Brexit
  • Immigration
  • Race and Racism
Dr Eloïse Bertrand
  • Democratization, political parties, elections, political institutions, and mobilization in Africa and other world regions
  • Conflict management and counter-insurgency in Africa (particularly the Sahel region)
  • Any topic in Francophone Africa, Nigeria, and Uganda. 
Professor Andreas Bieler
  • Resistance to neo-liberal globalisation 
  • Trade unions and transnational solidarity
  • European integration and political economy
  • Historical materialist IR theory
Dr Christopher Byrne
  • British party politics
  • Political leadership
  • UK Parliament
  • Neoliberalism
Dr Fernando Casal Bertoa
  • Party system closure/stability and party institutionalisation
  • Political party (funding) regulation
  • Democratisation and democracy promotion
Dr Michaela Collord
  • The political economy of authoritarian regimes
  • African political economy, focus on eastern Africa
  • Urban politics and labour organising in the urban informal economy
Professor Rory Cormac
  • Intelligence
  • Covert operations (propaganda, political influence, sabotage, subversion)
Dr William Daniel
  • European Union and European integration
  • Legislative politics and political parties
  • Gender and political representation
  • Individual backgrounds and career paths
  • Digital campaigning and social media
  • Mixed method research designs using bespoke sources of data
Dr Andrew Denham
  • British public policy
  • Conservatism and Conservative Party politics
  • Political Biography
  • Party leadership selection in British politics
Dr Hugo Drochon
  • Nietzsche's politics
  • Democratic theory 
  • Liberalism 
  • Centrism
  • Conspiracy theories
Dr Pauline Eadie
  • Human or critical security, including terrorism
  • Environmental issues
  • Disaster relief and resilience in the aftermath of disasters
  • Philippines: any topic
  • Work informed by the writings of Karl Polanyi and the Copenhagen School
Dr Kevin Fahey
  • Quantitative research methods
  • Legislative institutions
  • Elite behaviour
  • Political parties, elections, and electoral institutions
  • Conscription policy and wartime domestic politics
Dr Sean Fleming
  • Anti-technology radicalism
  • Environmentalism
  • Thomas Hobbes
  • State responsibility
Dr Andreas Fulda
  • Democratic security
  • Hybrid interference by autocratic regimes
  • Sino-German relations
  • Academic freedom
  • Citizen diplomacy
Dr Catherine Gegout
  • European Union - foreign policy, defence integration, security (CFSP and ESDP)
  • EU trade, aid and development policies
  • EU-NATO-UN relations
  • EU-US economic and political relations
  • EU and Africa
  • European International Politics
  • Theories of European Integration
  • European Union Politics

Professor David Gill

  • The uses of history in International Relations 
  • Western alliances during the Cold War 
  • The politics of sovereign debt and default
Professor Paul Heywood
  • Developing accurate measures of political corruption
  • Effective strategies to combat political corruption
  • The international anti-corruption movement and its impact
Dr Ben Holland
  • The history of political thought, especially 17th/18th centuries
  • The concept of the state
  • The concept of sovereignty
  • Intellectual history of International Relations
  • Political theology

Professor Mathew Humphrey

  • Political ideology/ideologies 
  • Theories of ideology
  • Environmental political theory 
  • The politics of motorcycling/powered two-wheeled transport  

Dr Louise Kettle

  • British foreign policy (especially in relation to the Middle East)
  • British military interventions in the Middle East 
  • UK-Iran relations
  • The Iraq War 
  • The use of the past in contemporary policy-making
Dr Gulshan Khan
  • Concept development (re-signifying and developing existing concepts such as domination, freedom and control)
  • Continental political theory/post-structuralism
  • Populism/Post-truth politics
  • Contemporary democratic theory
Dr Jason Klocek
  • Religion and international relations
  • Political discrimination and violence
  • Civil wars and armed conflict
  • Insurgency and counter-insurgency
Dr Tyler Kustra
  • Economic sanctions
  • Political violence
  • Quantitative methods in the study of international relations
Dr Hongyi Lai
  • Governance and institutional reform, including crisis management and ideological formulation
  • Authoritarianism, political stability and protests
  • Elite politics and leadership
  • Democratisation and political reform
  • Ethnic policy
  • Religious policy and religious activities
  • Economic diplomacy
  • China's soft power
  • China's international relations
  • China's international political economy
  • Linkage between domestic and external politics (and political economy)
  • China's energy security and energy diplomacy
  • China's energy policy and energy sector
  • Regional developmental programs, especially western development, central regional development, and northeast revival
  • Political economy of economic reform and transition
  • Central-local relations
Dr Chun-Yi Lee
  • Political economy
  • Innovation and supply chain
  • China-Taiwan relations
  • China's impact on the global economy
  • Comparative studies of Taiwan
Dr Adam Lindsay
  • The history of European political thought, especially the 17th, 18th and 20th centuries 
  • Contemporary democratic theory
  • Constitutional theory 
  • The concept of peoplehood
  • The political thought of revolution
Dr Daniel Lomas
  • UK intelligence community
  • Diplomacy and intelligence
  • Public perceptions of intelligence
  • Intelligence theory and practice 
Dr Alexandru Marcoci
  • AI Policy; AI Governance; AI Risk; AI Safety
  • Foresight; Forecasting; Futures Studies; Existential Risks
  • Group Decision-making; Expert decision-making; Delphi
  • Metascience; Replicability; Reproducibility; Science of Science
  • Campus speech; Freedom of Speech; Cancel Culture
Dr Natalie Martin
  • Turkish politics and foreign policy
  • Turkey-EU relations
  • News media freedom and liberal democracy
  • Information and security
Dr Helen McCabe 
  • Forced marriage
  • John Stuart Mill, Harriet Taylor and Helen Taylor
Professor Jan Meyer-Sahling
  • Comparative European politics
  • Public administration, public policy and anti-corruption in Europe and in developing countries
Professor Caitlin Milazzo
  • Electoral systems
  • Public opinion and voting behaviour
  • Elections and campaigns in Britain
  • Quantitative research methods
Dr Scott Moser
  • Quantitative methods
  • Agent based models 
  • Game-theoretic / social choice theoretic models of legislatures 
Professor Andrew Mumford
  • Proxy Wars
  • Counter-insurgency warfare
  • Sub-state violence
  • Anglo-American security and foreign policy
Dr Diana Popescu-Sarry
  • Discrimination and Structural Injustice
  • Post-Truth and Deliberative Democracy
  • Social Justice
Dr Vanessa Pupavac
  • International politics and south-east Europe
  • International politics and literature
  • Academic freedom
Professor Wyn Rees
  • US-European security cooperation since the end of the Cold War
  • Contemporary British security and defence policy
  • Anglo-American relations
  • Cooperation among Western countries against terrorism
Dr Matthew Rendall
  • Causes of war and peace
  • Climate ethics
  • Intergenerational justice
Professor Bettina Renz
  • Russian foreign, security and defence policy
  • Contemporary strategy and airpower
Dr Carole Spary
  • Gender, public policy, and state institutions
  • Gender and political representation/participation
  • Feminist politics of development/gender and political economy
  • Democratic politics and political economy of development in India and South Asia more widely
Professor David Stevens
  • Liberal egalitarian political theory
  • Rawlsian political philosophy
  • The overlap of normative political philosophy and the philosophy of education
Dr Jonathan Sullivan
  • Chinese politics and foreign relations
  • Taiwanese politics and cross-Strait relations
  • Chinese political communications and media
  • Digital politics, celebrity and popular culture
  • Chinese football
  • UK-China relations
  • Any other projects more broadly located within Chinese and Taiwanese politics, foreign relations, the internet and media, issues surrounding China's expanding global presence and UK-Taiwan relations
Dr Simon Toubeau
  • The ways parties compete over the issue of regional authority and decentralisation
  • Constitutional reforms in decentralised and federal multinational states
  • Nationalist, independentist and sovereigntist parties and movements
  • Regional-level policy-making and policy coordination, in particular in the face of crises (economic, public health, climate change related crises)
  • The way voters hold parties in government at different levels responsible for policy outcomes
Professor Zoe Trodd
  • Modern slavery
Dr Siim Trumm
  • Elections and campaigns 
  • Representation and political participation
  • Legislative politics and political parties 
  • Political communication
  • British politics
  • Eastern European politics
Dr Annemarie Walter
  • Campaign strategy and effects (in particular negative campaigning)
  • Media (news effects, media amplification, fake news)
  • Political psychology (emotions, moral principles, personality traits)
  • Quantitative research methods (experiments, content analysis, survey design)
Dr Ellen Watts
  • Developing qualitative-interpretive approaches to the study of politics
  • Research methods in the PIR curriculum
  • Political Communication, particularly questions of representation
  • Politics and popular culture/entertainment
Dr Helen Williams
  • Immigration
  • Comparative politics
  • European politics


School of Politics and International Relations

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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