Quality Manual

Changes to programme and module specifications

This page outlines the regulations about making any changes to curriculum, that is, changes to programme and module specifications. Its content is primarily directed at staff across all of the UK, China and Malaysia campuses but may also be of interest to students and prospective students.

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1.0 Purpose 

This page provides more information about making changes to programme and module specifications.


2.0 Key principles

Schools are expected to submit all curriculum changes, specifically changes to programme and module specifications, to Registry and Academic Affairs (RAA) in the UK or local academic services unit (ASU) at UNNC or Student Registry office at UNM by the published deadlines.

The reasons for this are:

  • Curriculum information in Campus Solutions is published to internal and external audiences via the Online Curriculum Catalogue and in the Online Prospectus
  • Students use information in the Online Curriculum Catalogue to inform module selection for the next academic year
  • Prospective students may use information in the Online Prospectus to help them decide whether to apply to study at the University of Nottingham
  • We are required to provide students with accurate material information about their programme of study in good time to ensure adherence with Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) guidelines

All curriculum change must be obtain the necessary relevant School and/or faculty level approvals prior to its formal submission to RAA/ASU/SRO. 

Information about curriculum sits within the programme and module specifications and is also used to inform the Online Prospectus. 

There are set deadlines during the academic year when curriculum information can be updated. The deadlines are different in the UK depending on whether the changes relate to items that are considered ‘material’ or not. 


2.1 Programme specification changes requiring consultation or notification

When making changes to programme specifications, in some circumstances (see below) it is necessary to communicate and/or consult with particular student groups.

Where changes to programmes of study fit into one of the categories below, Schools/ must consult with all current students that will be directly affected by the planned changes at the first opportunity, and students must be given the chance to comment on the changes. 

  • Changes to progression requirements which make progression more difficult.
  • Changes to award or classification procedures which may make it more difficult for a student to receive an award or a higher class of award.
  • A change to the administration of a programme by a different school.
  • Any changes to material information of a programme (except changes to material items which are solely for the benefit of students).  Material information includes (but is not limited to) core modules, programme title, location of study, duration of study, external accreditation, award type, assessment at programme level and delivery of teaching at programme level. Please see Appendix 1 of the University of Nottingham’s Consumer Protection Policy which provides a full list of information which is considered “material”.

Material changes which are for the benefit of students (i.e. changes that enhance their learning experience) must be communicated to them but consultation is not required. Schools are responsible for communicating such changes to their students.

Where students object to the planned change(s), the School will need to seek approval from QSC for the proposal (if it still wishes to go ahead). 

In the case of changes to undergraduate award or classification procedures (such as a change to degree class weightings), the changes must not apply to any existing Part I, II, or III students without their explicit written consent.


2.2 Module changes requiring consultation/notification

When making changes to module specifications, in some circumstances (see below) it is necessary to communicate and/or consult with particular student groups.

Schools must communicate with students affected by any planned curriculum changes to core modules fitting into the categories below at the first opportunity and they must be given the opportunity to comment on the changes:

  • Changes to the learning outcomes of the module
  • Changes to the manner in which the module is assessed
  • A change to the assessment regulations which makes it more difficult for a student to pass the module
  • Any changes to material information of a module (except changes which are solely for the benefit of students).  Material information includes (but is not limited to) core modules and location of study. Please see Appendix 1 of the University of Nottingham’s Consumer Protection Policy which provides a full list of information which is considered “material”.

Material changes which are for the benefit of students must be communicated but consultation is not required. Schools are responsible for communicating such changes to their students.

The credit amount or level of a module may not be altered for students who are currently enrolled on that module.

If any of the above changes are to optional modules which occur prior to the start of the session in which the amended optional module will be delivered, but after returning students have selected that module, then these changes must be communicated to students at the earliest opportunity and they must be given the opportunity to comment.


2.3 Changes to programmes requiring QSC approval

Approval on behalf of Quality and Standards Committee (QSC) is required for the following changes to programme specifications:
  • Changes which are contrary to the guidelines for programme specifications, the University's Qualifications Framework, or any other University policy or regulation
  • Significant changes to the programme structure (section C.2 of the programme specification). It is the school’s responsibility when changing section C.2 to ensure that no changes to the learning outcomes are required
  • Changes to section C.2 which affect another School and where the other School has objected to the change. Please note, a school changing section C.2 of any of its programmes has a responsibility to consult another School directly affected by that change
  • Any changes to curricula to which the majority of  students are opposed

2.4 Changes to modules requiring QSC approval

Approval on behalf of Quality and Standards Committee (QSC) is required for changes to module specification information which are contrary to the module specifications guidelines, or any other University policy or regulation; or to which any students currently enrolled on the module are opposed. 

2.5 Method of communication with students

Schools must ensure that all relevant students have been consulted on planned changes as described above, including those who are on a break in their learning. 

Whilst planned changes can be communicated and discussed at the Staff Student Forum (SSF), Schools must ensure that all students are sent the information personally and have a mechanism for students to provide any feedback (e.g. via email). Evidence of consultation must be provided to Registry and Academic Affairs (UK), Academic Services Unit (UNNC) or Student Registry Office (UNM)along with the change(s). 

If there are any majority objections to the planned change(s), the School will need to seek approval for the proposal (if it still wishes to go ahead) from QSC before proceeding.


3.0 Related regulations, policies and procedures

More information about deadlines for curriculum change is provided here:

Curriculum review for programme and module specifications

More information about updating curriculum information is provided here

Curriculum review for programme and module specifications

For more information about how to complete a programme specification

Programme specification guidance

New/revised curriculum maps are required with all programme specification changes.  A template for a curriculum map can be found here:

Curriculum map

For more information about how to complete a module specification

Module specification guidance

For more information about curriculum and timelines updating see:

Curriculum Approvals and Advisory Team (CAAT) SharePoint (internal UK only)

Significant changes to the programme structure may also require the programme to be reapproved. For further information see:

New programme by change

For more information about Consumer Protection Policy (includes list of material information in Appendix 1):

University of Nottingham's Consumer Protection Policy


4.0 Version control table

Version control table
 Version Number Purpose/Change Approving Committee Date
 1.0 Changes made to combine the programme and module specification changes pages as well as to update in relation to when to consult with students.  Also reformatted to align with new University of Nottingham Policy Management Framework QSC August 2024
If you have any problems or queries relating to this page, please email: ss-curriculumadvice@nottingham.ac.uk  Email
This content was last modified on 06 August 2024

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