Quality Manual

Programme specification guidance

This page provides the regulations on programme specifications. Its content is primarily directed at staff but may also be of interest to students across all of the UK, China and Malaysia campuses.

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1.0 Purpose

This page sets out the regulations about programme specifications to help staff who are both updating existing programme specifications as well as designing new ones.  These documents are published to both applicants and current students.

2.0 Key principles

A programme specification is required for all programmes on which a student may register (including ordinary degree programmes). There is no requirement for separate programme specifications for awards granted solely due to a student not satisfactorily completing the programme they are registered on.

For Postgraduate Certificates and Postgraduate Diplomas, a separate programme specification is only required if direct application is possible. Where the Certificate or Diploma is awarded to students who do not complete a master's programme, their qualifications fall under the programme specification of the corresponding master's degree.

For integrated master’s programmes, there is no requirement to produce a bachelor’s degree programme specification if students are effectively 'exiting' with the bachelor’s degree after three years. A programme specification would only be required if students can transfer to a bachelor's degree programme at an earlier point, and are registered for a period  before receiving their degree.

The University has endorsed seven principles for good curriculum design. Schools are asked to review the principles in the Curriculum design document as they design programmes. 

New Programme Design Principles

Please note, University policies and procedures outlined in University Regulations and the Quality Manual apply automatically to all programmes. Therefore, please do not reproduce or summarise the content of University regulations or the Quality Manual in a programme specification.

2.1 Basic information

2.1.1 Title

Specify the qualification (e.g. BA, BSc, MA and others) and the subject title (e.g. Applied Linguistics) that will be reflected on students' degree certificates and transcripts. These will appear on students’ degree certificates and transcripts in this form.

In the case of bachelors' degrees, please specify whether the qualification is with honours or ordinary.

Please note no two programmes can share the same name.

For 2-year Masters, the title must include (2yr) appearing on the end of the title to make a clear distinction between other variations of Masters course. This will only appear on programmes of 240 credits. Where programmes are of this duration as a result of non-credit bearing placements this identifier will not appear.

Please consult the following for more information on each type of qualification:

University of Nottingham Qualifications Framework

2.1.2 Programme code

Please leave blank. A UCAS or Academic Plan code will be assigned by Registry and Academic Affairs (RAA) in UNUK, Academic Services Unit (ASU) in UNNC, and Student Registry Office (SRO) in UNM once a new programme has been approved.

2.1.3 Administrating School

Identify the School responsible for overall management, administration, and quality assurance of the programme. 

If operational responsibilities for any of these matters are delegated to other Schools, please state these schools, specify their role and the percentage of their contribution. Please also specify the campus and location for the programme.

2.1.4 Partnership arrangement

Provide information on any placement arrangements including details of the partner and whether the programme is based on an existing one.

Please consult the following for further guidance on partnerships and placements:

Partnerships and placements

2.1.5 Type of programme

The types of programme are defined as:

  • Single subject (with subject specific title)
  • Joint (naming two distinct subjects as ‘x and y')
  • Major/Minor (naming two distinct subjects as ‘x with y' or similar)
  • Multidisciplinary (listing three distinct subjects)

Please consult section 7 of the following for detailed definitions:

University of Nottingham Qualifications Framework

2.1.6 Mode of study

Choose full time and/or part time.  For programmes offered in both full time and part time modes, a single programme specifications will be required.  The programme specification will encompass two separate descriptions of the programmes of study (part time and full time),  outlining the sequence in which modules are to be undertaken in each mode.

2.1.7 Mode of delivery

Specify the mode(s) of delivery and location(s) (including University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM) and University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) where applicable) from the list below:

  • Full-time
  • Part-time
  • Distance learning
  • In-Person
  • Blended Learning
  • UK campus
  • UNM or UNNC or both

2.1.8 Duration

Please confirm the duration of the programme (if available both full-time and part-time please provide the duration for both modes of delivery.

  • Bachelors: 3 years
  • Integrated Masters: 4 years
  • Postgraduate Masters: 12 months full-time/24 months part-time
  • Postgraduate 2 year Masters: 21 months full-time/22 months part-time

2.1.9 Annual start date

Please indicate whether it follows a standard or non-standard start. If the programme begins on a date other than the start of the academic year, please provide the specific start date and all relevant start dates, where there is more than one date of commencement.

  • Standard Start: Starts at the beginning of the academic year
  • Non-Standard Start: Please state the start date(s) if the programme is to have start date which is anything other than the start of the academic year.  If there is more than one start date, please state all of them.

2.1.10 Higher Education Classification of Subjects (HECoS) codes

Provide the relevant HECoS code.  

Please consult the following for more information about HECoS codes:

Higher Education Classification of Subjects (HECoS) codes

2.1.11 Accrediting body

Please state the following:

  • The name of any professional body which will, or is expected to, recognise or accredit the programme and the level along with type of that accreditation
  • The manner in which accreditation or recognition is necessary to practise a profession
  • The status of any application for accreditation or recognition and the timescale involved, including dates of professional body visits for accreditation or re-accreditation

2.1.12 Relevant QAA subject benchmark(s) and characteristic statements

Please state the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) subject benchmarks which are most relevant to the programme. As there are few benchmarks for postgraduate study, it may not be possible to identify a relevant benchmark for postgraduate programmes – though it could still be helpful to list a benchmark for a corresponding undergraduate programme which would normally provide entry to the postgraduate programme.

For more information about lists of benchmarks, please consult the following:

Benchmarks on the QAA website

In addition to the above, schools need to consider QAA characteristics statements published related to the proposed qualification to ensure that the distinctive features of the proposed qualification are articulated in module and programme specifications.

For information on Characteristics statements, please consult the following:

Characteristic statements on the QAA website

2.1.13 Fees

Please state the fee band for home and international students.


 2.2 General information

If sections B, C, or D of the programme specification vary significantly based on the mode of delivery, consider submitting separate programme specifications for each version.

Provide any information of interest to applicants including a programme outline and duration as a minimum.

2.2.1 Educational aims

Specify educational aims particularly if not stated in the prospectus entry. 

Information for students once they are at Nottingham – and not covered in Sections C, D, and E of the programme specification – must be included in the School’s own Student Handbook rather than being included in this section.

2.2.2 Outline Description of the Programme

Please provide any information you think would be of interest to applicants for this programme. As a minimum, this must be an outline of the programme.

2.2.3 How students will be taught

Please provide a programme level overview of how students will be taught, rather than specific details which may vary from year to year.  Prospective students will also see this information.

Additional information for students at Nottingham not covered in Sections C, D, and E of the programme specification must be included in the School’s Student Handbook rather than in this section.

2.3 Supplementary regulations

If sections B, C, or D of the programme specification vary significantly based on the mode of delivery, consider submitting separate programme specifications for each version.

2.3.1 Admission requirements

Please provide a summary of the minimum qualifications necessary to be considered for entry to the programme, including English language requirements, and any necessary skills or experience applicants must have. English Language requirements must be set at one of the five levels designated by the University, details of which are available from the Admissions Office.

If the programme is only available by internal transfer from another University of Nottingham programme and is therefore not open to external applicants, then this must also be indicated.

Include Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), requirements, if applicable, and any other requirements. 

For more information about the University's admission requirements, please consult the following:


Admissions Office

2.3.2 Programme structure

Align the programme structure to the University of Nottingham Qualifications Framework.

Please consult the following for more information:

University of Nottingham Qualifications Framework

For each stage of the programme, please state:

  • The compulsory modules a student must take.
  • Where students are choosing modules from a list, how many modules they must choose and which modules are on the list. Each list must not contain active modules totalling over a maximum of 150 credits. Please note, programmes with extensive optionality may result in unavoidable clashes with less popular combinations of optional modules.
  • Whether students have any unrestricted choices of modules.

Whether students have any unrestricted choices of modules. If the programme includes modules from another School, consult with that school to ensure appropriateness, confirm requisites are amended to allow students to choose the modules and ensure sufficient capacity to accommodate additional students.
    Modules must be assigned to one of three group types:
  • Compulsory Group: all students on the programme must select all modules in this group.
  • Restricted Group(s): students must select a minimum of XX credits and a maximum of XX credits from this group. Where multiple restricted groups are in use students choose from group one AND group two.
  • Alternative Group(s): students must select a minimum of XX credits and a maximum of XX credits from this group. Where multiple alternative groups are in use students choose from group one OR group two.

In all cases:

  • State the credit value, level of modules and semester in which they are being delivered.
  • All new programmes (and any programme changes) must be constituted by modules with  values of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 credits; with the majority being 20 credits or more. For the MRes only, larger credit sizes of 80, 100, 120, 140 or 160 are permitted. 10 credit modules must be in the minority. No more than 50% of credits in a stage, which includes the taught stage of a taught master’s programme, can be comprised of 10 credits. 
  • Please note, there must be a maximum of 70 credits for UG programmes and 80 credits for PGT programmes in each semester.   For programmes offering full-year modules, the credits will be evenly divided between the Autumn and Spring for the purpose of calculating the maximum credits.
  • Dissertations will usually be set as  SUM (summer) offerings for PGT to avoid exceeding maximum credit split per semester.
  • Specify if modules are existing or new ones being submitted for approval. 
  • Consider the balance between directed and self-directed learning in the programme as a whole and adhere to the University policy on minimum expectations for levels of teaching and learning activity.

    Please consult the following for more information about the University's minimum expectations for levels of teaching and learning activity:

Minimum expectations for levels of teaching and learning activity

Please consult the following for more information on semester dates relating to the general teaching and examination periods at the University:

University calendar dates

2.3.3 Non-compensatable modules

Please indicate for each module whether it can be compensated (Compensatable with a Y) or not (Non-compensatable with an N) under University’s regulations for the compensation of fail marks.

Please consult the following for more information about the University's assessment and marking policies:

Assessment and marking policies

Please be aware of the following:

  • A non-compensatable module is one which must to be passed at the relevant level (40% for honours degrees, 50% for masters' degrees, PG Certificates and PG Diplomas).  A student has the opportunity to resit the module for progression purposes (except in their final year of undergraduate study), but they must achieve over the minimum level in one of their attempts to be awarded the credits for that module.
  • In contrast, compensatable modules allow a failed mark to be compensated by better performance in other modules provided the student meets the requirements set out in the relevant study regulations. For example, a poor performance of 35% in a compensatable module may be balanced out by a good performance of 60% in another module.

2.3.4 Additional components

Where programmes allow for students to have a free choice for a module, please ensure that additional groups are added.  For additional groups, please specify how many credits (or range of credits) students must take from that group.  Please also specify the timing of these additional components within the programme.

For more information, please consult the following QM page:

Academic regulations

2.3.5 Assessment

The programme must adhere to the University's Undergraduate and Postgraduate taught assessment regulations. 

All teaching and assessment must be in English, except where the subject of study is a language or literature other than English.

Please consult the following for more information:

Academic regulations 

2.3.5 Progression information: Undergraduate

Standard University progression regulations will apply except in the following circumstances: integrated masters' programmes; honours degrees with a compulsory year out; and between a foundation year and qualifying year. In these cases, non-standard progression regulations can apply if clearly stated in the programme specification.

For integrated masters' programmes, where applied, the single allowable enhanced progression requirement is that a student must achieve a weighted average mark of at least 55% at the first attempt.

Regulation 20 states that a student can proceed carrying up to 20 credits if they have not progressed by September. Programme specifications may state an opt-out if it is impossible or unwise for a student to proceed carrying credits. Possible circumstances where an exception may be permitted include:

  • 2+2 programme students coming from University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM) and University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) – where the Home Office would not issue a visa unless the student has progressed
  • Programmes that could not cope with the additional resource or facilities implications of additional students – for example, those with placements
  • Cases where it is essential for a student to have passed (as opposed to have taken) a pre-requisite module before starting the next part of their programme.
  • Progression from a foundation programme to an honours degree

Any requests for exemption must be approved by Quality and Standards Committee (QSC) and noted in the programme specification. Postgraduate
Where schools require students to pass or to perform at a particular minimum level in the taught stage of a programme before progressing to the research stage (that is, the dissertation or research project) this will be explicitly stated in the programme specification.

 2.3.6 Degree information: Undergraduate

The standardised weighting for a bachelor’s degree must be 33/67 for Parts I and II respectively, and that the standardised weighting for an integrated master’s degree (undergraduate) must be 20/40/40 for Parts I, II and III respectively, unless exempted from this due to professional, statutory, regulatory body (PSRB)requirements.

Undergraduate degree classification is based on the weighted (arithmetic) mean mark achieved over identified stages (with defined weightings given to the stages being considered). 

If the award of an ordinary degree is available to students not meeting honours requirements this must be stated clearly in the programme specification and an ordinary degree programme specification must be held on Campus Solutions. 

For more information about UG classification, compensation and borderline regulations, please consult the following:

Marking and classification

Please note that from 2015/2016 transfer to the ordinary degree is not allowed. The award of the ordinary degree on exit is only allowed at the UK campus and University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC). Postgraduate

Postgraduate masters, diploma and certificates will be awarded with merit to students who achieve a final credit-weighted mark of at least 60% and with distinction to students who achieve a final credit-weighted mark of at least 70%. 

In addition, please note the following:

  • In accordance with the regulations on marking and grading, viva voce examinations must not be used to decide whether or not a borderline candidate will have their degree class raised.

For more information about PGT classification, compensation and borderline regulations, please consult the following: 

PGT Academic Regulations


 2.3.7 Pathways

Please provide here details of any additional awards made by the University, e.g. ‘Distinction in Spoken French’ and/or any named Pathways* that may be awarded.

*pathways are for the purpose of the award title, not for managing programme structures or enrolments and allow for a ‘specialism’ to be added to the title on the degree, and thus where the inclusion of a Pathway(s) has been approved, the School is then responsible for updating the programme specification of the existing programme to state what criteria would need to be met to have specialism added.  The award title will take the format: Subject (Pathway) for example BSc Hons Animal Science (Physiology).

Please note that pathways would NOT result in being able to recruit programmes individually by specialism i.e. applications must be to the main title.

2.3.8 Fall back options

Please state here the title of the award which may be given to students who fail to meet the requirements of this degree.  Where the title differs from that of the main award specific approval will be required.

Regulations may deviate from standard if there is a demonstrable requirement dictated by a PSRB or accrediting body. Any such requirement must be explicitly outlined in the programme specification. Students failing to satisfy the more stringent requirements outlined in programme specifications associated with a PSRB or accrediting body, yet satisfying University regulations must have the option to transfer to a named ‘fall back’ non-accredited degree. 

Exceptions to this rule arise only where PSRB or local government mandates prevent the award of a ‘fallback’ degree or when a suitable ‘fallback’ option is unavailable. In such instances, this information must be clearly articulated in the programme specification.

Where a fallback award (Foundation Certificate, UG Certificate, UG Diploma, PG Certificate, PG Diploma) has a different title than the original programme this must be explicitly stated in the programme specification.  For example, the title may differ due to lack of accreditation, or it may not be appropriate to award the title to someone of lower credit value awards.  

2.3.9 Other regulations

Specify any other requirements for students which are in addition to those stated in the University’s regulations and the University of Nottingham Qualifications Framework (UNQF). 

If the programme's total absolute maximum is less than those defined on the Maximum period from initial registration for completion of studies page, this must be explicitly stated. For more information, please consult the following:

Registration, attendance and study

University of Nottingham Qualifications Framework

Maximum period from initial registration for the completion of studies


2.4 Learning outcomes

If sections B, C, or D of the programme specification vary significantly based on the mode of delivery, consider submitting separate programme specifications for each version.

2.4.1 Definition

Learning outcomes are (relatively) general statements indicating what a student is expected to know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate at the end of a period of learning. They are phrases which complete a sentence of the form "A student who completes this programme successfully would be expected to …", or "… would be able to …".

It is good practice for learning outcomes to comprise a verb, object and context. An example (from Human Development) would be "Critically examine (verb) theoretical frameworks (object) relevant to neonatal development and adaption (context)". All three parts are needed to make the learning outcome workable.

Learning outcomes play a crucial role in the design of programmes and modules, establishing a clear connection with the content and objectives. The purpose of assessment is to enable students the opportunity to demonstrate the extent to which they have achieved the intended learning outcomes.

Programme learning outcomes must align with the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Subject Benchmark Statement, the level descriptors in the University of Nottingham Qualifications Framework (UNQF) and any professional or statutory body requirements. Please consult the following for more information:

Benchmarks on the QAA site

University of Nottingham Qualifications Framework

A curriculum map, provided as part of the programme approval (or curriculum change) process, will demonstrate how module learning outcomes fulfil to the learning outcomes of the programme.

2.4.2 Categories of learning outcomes

It is reasonable to have up to six learning outcomes for a module, with some variability depending on the credit value of the modules (typically with less learning outcomes for smaller credit sizes), and between 12 and 16 for a programme. Some cases, may warrant additional learning outcomes, for example due to PSRB requirements etc

Module learning outcomes may be specific to the module, the programme, or a combination of module and programme learning outcomes.

It is advisable to minimise the reoccurrence of the same learning outcome across multiple modules. This minimises the number of learning outcomes in each module and avoids assessing the same learning outcomes multiple times.

Levels of assessment required to meet learning outcomes will be checked through the approval of the curriculum map.

For further information please see module specification guidance:

Module Specification Guidance

Learning outcomes for both programmes and modules should be written under one or both of the following two categories (other categorisations may be used where there are PSRB requirements):

1.   Knowledge and understanding

These are outcomes which broadly describe the subject matter of the programme or module.

2.   Skills

These are outcomes which can come under one or more of the following three sub-headings:

    1. Intellectual skills – the abilities required to process the subject matter
    2. Professional or practical skills – those skills specific to a particular subject area, such as laboratory or field work, or the requirements of a specific professional or regulatory body
    3. Transferable or key skills – more specific skills which will commonly comprise most of the following:
  • Oral and written communication
  • Team work
  • Self management
  • Problem solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Professionalism
  • Information technology literacy
  • Numeracy

2.4.3 Assessing and attaining learning outcomes within modules

To achieve a learning outcome within a module, it is expected that a student at a minimum, has had the opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge and develop the required skills, ultimately passing the module.

2.4.4 Attaining learning outcomes within programmes

The learning outcomes listed for a programme are expected to accurately reflect the modules on which a student can expect to enrol as part of that programme.

In some instances, meeting all the learning outcomes specified for a programme may be mandatory for example, due to Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRB) requirements.

Provide a brief summary of the teaching, learning and assessment methods used to enable these learning outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated. For example:

  • Teaching and learning*: Lectures; tutor-led tutorials; student and tutor led seminars; on-line tutorials; problem-based learning scenarios.
  • Assessment: coursework*: written seen or unseen examinations; poster presentation.

These statements are expected to demonstrate how the programme has been structured to enable students to achieve the intended learning outcomes in terms of workload, volume and nature of assessment, programme progression and increasing intellectual demand.  They are expected to be general, not specific, in nature.


2.5 Curriculum map

Please map the learning outcomes of the programme against the modules comprising the programme. 

The curriculum map must show that a student cannot successfully complete the programme without having acquired all the learning outcomes listed in Section D of the programme specification. This can be demonstrated by ensuring that for each learning outcome there is at least one compulsory, non-compensatable module which delivers that outcome; or that the outcome features in a range of modules, such that it would not be possible for the student to complete the programme without passing at least one of those modules.

New/revised curriculum maps are required with all new and changed programme specification.  

A template for a curriculum map can be found here: 

Curriculum map

This template curriculum map is provided as a guide.  Where there are PSRB requirements for a different format, this may be used.


2.6 Delivery plan

Please provide a full plan mapping out the timelines for the programme. 

3.0 Related regulations, policies and procedures

For more information about the information in a programme specification document, please consult the following:

Programme specification template  Microsoft Word

For more information about the information in a module specification docuemtn, please consult the following:

Module specification guidance

If you have any problems or queries relating to Programme specification guidance, please email: ss-curriculumadvice@nottingham.ac.uk  Email


4.0 Version control table

Version control table
 Version Number Purpose/Change Approving Committee Date
 1.0 Clarifications made as part of a review of this section of the Quality Manual.  Also reformatted to align with new University of Nottingham Policy Management Framework  QSC  August 2024

If you have any problems or queries relating to Programme specification guidance, please email:

 ss-curriculumadvice@nottingham.ac.uk  Email

This content was last modified on 20 September 2024

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