Quality Manual

Policy on e-learning and distance learning

This page contains the University's policy on the delivery and support of online and distance learning. Its content is applicable to staff and students across all of the UK, China and Malaysia campuses.

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These regulations apply only to Distance Learning programmes - programmes that are explicitly described as such in the relevant programme specification.

1.0 Purpose

This policy covers educational provision leading to an award or part of an award that is delivered and/or supported and/or assessed through means which generally do not require the student to attend particular classes or events at particular times and particular locations. This includes practices such as e-learning, distance learning, blended learning, flexible learning, instructor-led training and the use of web-based materials to supplement classroom-based learning.

The policy outlines the minimum requirements which are expected by the University to be met by Schools when delivering this provision. The requirements of this policy are in addition to the normal expectations on schools which are detailed throughout the Quality Manual.


2.0 Key Principles

2.1 Learning Support

Prospective students should receive a clear and realistic explanation of the expectations placed upon them for study of the programme or elements of study, and for the nature and extent of autonomous, collaborative and supported aspects of learning.

Students must have access to:

  • A schedule for any learner support available to them through timetabled activities, for example tutorial sessions or web-based conferences;
  • Clear and up-to-date information about the learning support available to them locally and remotely for their programme or elements of study;
  • Documents that set out their own responsibilities as learners, and the commitments of the University and school for the support of a programme or element of study.

Students must have:

  • From the outset of their study, an identified contact, either local or remote through e-mail, telephone, fax or post, who can give them constructive feedback on academic performance and authoritative guidance on their academic progression;
  • Where appropriate, regular opportunities for inter-learner discussions about the programme, both to facilitate collaborative learning and to provide a basis for facilitating their participation in the quality assurance of the programme;
  • Appropriate opportunities to give formal feedback on their experience of the programme.

2.2 Assessment of students

Students must have access to:

  • Information on the ways in which their achievements will be judged, and the relative weighting of units, modules or elements of the programme in respect of assessment overall;
  • Timely formative assessment on their academic performance to provide a basis for individual constructive feedback and guidance, and to illustrate the awarding institution's expectations for summative assessment.

2.3 Virtual Learning Environment delivery system

2.3.1 Delivery

  • Any programme or element offered for study must have had the reliability of its delivery system tested, and have contingency plans that would come into operation in the event of the failure of the designed modes of delivery;
  • The delivery system of the programme or element of study delivered through e-learning methods must be fit for its purpose, and have an appropriate availability and life expectancy;
  • The delivery of any study materials direct to students remotely through, for example, e-learning methods or correspondence, must be secure and reliable, and there must be a means of confirming its safe receipt.

2.3.2 Assessment of students

  • Students' work must be properly attributed to them, particularly in cases where the assessment is conducted through remote methods that might be vulnerable to interception or other interference;
  • Any mechanisms, such as web-based methods or correspondence, for the transfer of their work directly to assessors, must be secure and reliable, and there must be a means of proving or confirming the safe receipt of their work. 

3.0 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP): Roles and Responsibilities

3.1 Delivery

Schools must ensure that students have access to:

  • Information that sets out the respective responsibilities of the school and University for the delivery of the programme, module, or element of study;
  • Module descriptors, to show the intended learning outcomes and teaching, learning and assessment methods of the module(s); 
  • A clear schedule for the delivery of their study materials and for assessment of their work.

Schools must also ensure that students can be confident that:

  • Study materials, whether delivered through staff of a programme presenter or through web-based or other distribution channels, meet the expectations of the University in respect of the quality of teaching and learning-support material for a programme or element of study leading to one of its awards;
  • The provision is subject to Annual Monitoring and the University Periodic Review process.

For more information about the University's review processes, please consult the Programme Monitoring and Review documents linked below

3.2 Learning support

Schools must ensure that students can be confident that:

  • Staff who provide learning support on these programmes have appropriate skills, and receive appropriate training and development;
  • Learning support, whether delivered through staff of a support provider or through web-based or other distribution channels, meets the expectations of the University for the quality of learning support for a programme of study leading to one of its awards.

3.3 Virtual Learning Environment delivery system

The Learning Technologies section of University of Nottingham Libraries has responsibility for meeting the requirements below for the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) systems which they maintain, namely Moodle. However, if schools use delivery systems which are not supported by Information Services (IS) then they would be expected to assume responsibility for ensuring that the following requirements are met.


4.0 Related Regulations, Policies and Procedures


5.0 Version Control Table

Version Control Table
 Version Number Purpose/Change Approving Committee Date
 1.0  Reformatted to align with the new University of Nottingham Policy Management Framework, based on content last modified on 17th October 2023  QSC  July 2024
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