
Connected Everything II: Accelerating Digital Manufacturing Research Collaboration and Innovation

This project is externally funded by the EPSRC

Manufacturing is changing as a result of rapidly advancing digital technologies. These new technologies are disrupting the status quo, and bring both great opportunities and challenges.  

The Connected Everything II (CEII) Network Plus will deliver a network of networks which will accelerate multi-disciplinary collaboration, foster new collaborations between industry and academia and tackle emerging challenges which will underpin the UK academic community's research in support of people, technologies, products and systems for digital manufacturing. Through a range of activities, including feasibility studies, networking, and thematic research, CEII will bring together new teams within a multidisciplinary community to explore new ideas, demonstrate novel technologies in the context of digital  manufacturing, and accelerate impact of research into industry.


In July 2020 the Smart Products Beacon co-hosted an online summer school with the Connected Everything Network.  The event brought together a diverse group of talented postgraduate students to learn about the challenges innovaters face when integrating collaborative robotics into a variety of settings.  Delegates were tasked with conceptualising a new collaborative robot or 'cobot' that could help society adapt and overcome problems linked to the Covid-19 pandemic.  More information about the event and feedback from the students can be found in this video.


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