MMT team members Adam Thompson, Ali Ghandour, Ahmet Koca, Charlotte Blake and Afaf Remani travelled last week to the 2022 Summer Topical Meeting of the American Society for Precision Engineering. The topic of the meeting was "Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing" and focused particularly on the integration of determinism in additive manufacturing.
Research Fellow, Adam Thompson, chaired a session on CT research as well as a quickfire poster presentation session. He also presented work on behalf of colleague Mingyu Liu, "Classification of PBF-LB Surfaces using Light Scattering and Machine Learning: Influence of Scattering Image Resolution on Classification Accuracy and Speed"First year PhD student Ahmet Koca presented his research in poster form on "Microstructure Analysis of Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion Surfaces"Final year PhD student Joe Eastwood gave an oral presentation on "Improving Camera Calibration with Machine Learning for the Measurement of Additively Manufactured Parts"and PhD student Afaf Remani provided an invited talk on her research on "Multi-sensor Measurement for In-situ Defect Identification in Metal Laser Powder Bed Fusion"Our thanks to all the organisers and event staff, as well as our research collaborators and team members who supported all the work presented. We look forward to seeing you all in the UK next year!
Room B38 Advanced Manufacturing Building Jubilee Campus Wollaton Road Nottingham, NG8 1BB