Biomaterials Discovery

Diabetes Discussions

Prof. Fran Game gave a fascinating talk to the EPSRC Biomaterials Discovery Programme Grant and associated researchers on Friday 20th April. Prof. Game is a Consultant Diabetologist and the Clinical Director of R&D at Derby Teaching Hospitals.

 FranGame-web Fran giving her talk

Prof. Game graduated from the University of Wales and then trained first in Diabetes and then Chemical Pathology in Newcastle and the Midlands. She moved back into Diabetes in 1996 and in 2000 took up a Consultant post at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. In 2002, she set up the Foot Ulcer Trials Unit with Professor William Jeffcoate. Prof. Games' research includes multi centre trials of the management of diabetic foot ulcers, the effect of renal replacement therapy on the diabetic foot, and the management and outcome of Charcot Foot in Diabetes. She was secretary of the Wound Healing Group of the International Working Group of the Diabetic Foot which produced systematic reviews and guidelines in 2007 and 2011. In May 2011 she moved to take up a new consultant post at Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Prof. Games’ talk was part of a series of translational/clinical talks organised by the EPSRC Programme Grant in Next Generation Biomaterials Discovery, aimed to demonstrate the potential applications in the areas of Biomaterials Discovery. Speakers discuss key issues/challenges relating to their area of interest and discuss how new materials offer solutions.

Posted on Thursday 26th April 2018

Next Generation Biomaterials Discovery

Advanced Materials and Healthcare Technologies, School of Pharmacy, The University of Nottingham
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