Bio-Instructive Materials Institute

TCES Robert Brown Early Stage Investigation Prize

Robert Brown Early Stage Investigator Prize Awarded to Mahetab Amer

Mahetab Amer has won the 2018 Robert Brown Award for Early Stage Investigators the Tissue and Cell Engineering Society (TCES) conference!

This prestigious award identifies future high flyers within the field and is named in honour of Professor Robert Brown, who dedicated his life to the field of tissue engineering, and who inspired many aspiring scientists through his work.

The criteria for this annual award include demonstrating outputs, impact, funding success, professional development and quality of the work presented at the TCES conference. Mahi clearly demonstrated this in her application and presentation.

The Award of £250 went Mahi for the Oral presentation: 'New designs of polymeric microparticles for regenerative medicine: Examining the influence of topographically-textured microparticles on mesenchymal stem cell fate'

Felicity Rose, head of the Regeneratice Medicine and Cellular Therapies Division (RMCT) in the School of Pharmacy at the University of Nottingham, said: “This is wonderful news for Mahi and I hope you will join me in congratulating her in this significant achievement."

Mahi Amer is a Post Doc working on Research Challenge 3 (Advanced Materials for 3D Stem Cell Differentiation and Regenerative Medicine) of the EPSRC Programme Grant in Next Generation Biomaterials Discovery. Mahi joined the project in 2017 working on differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells to bone.

Mahetab Amer Mahetab Amer

Posted on Sunday 1st July 2018

Bio-Instructive Materials Institute

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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