Expertise Summary
BA (Loughborough) MA, PhD (Nottingham) Areas of expertise - discourse, multimodal discourse analysis; healthcare communication; shared reading; reading aloud; dementia discouse.
Research Summary
My principal research interests lie in the field of applied discourse analysis, multi-modal discourse analysis and corpus linguistics. Broadly, I am interested in interdisciplinary approaches to… read more
Along with colleagues from the Centre for Dementia at the Institute of Mental Health, I have developed a blogging platform called Dementia Day-to-Day. Dementia Day-to-Day brings together a wide and ever-expanding panel of authors - from all walks of life, each with their own lived experience of, and interest in, dementia - to explore the subject of ageing and wellbeing from as many angles as possible. For further information, and to see the range of blogs currently on display, please visit: Dementia Day-to-Day is an ever-expanding resource. Accordingly we welcome blogs from new authors. If you would like to contribute, please email me at
Current Research
My principal research interests lie in the field of applied discourse analysis, multi-modal discourse analysis and corpus linguistics. Broadly, I am interested in interdisciplinary approaches to professional communication, with a special emphasis on health communication. My present research, for example, focuses on multi-modal approaches to medical discourse. Another strand of my research involves examining the phenomenon of medicalisation (the process whereby non-diseases are defined as diseases). Specifically, this area of my research uses critical multi-modal discourse to investigate the ways in which pharmaceutical companies and advertisers promote lifestyle drugs for benign conditions. Please click on the above tab for further details of all of my other publications and conference papers.
Another research interest of mine relates to reading for wellbeing and social inclusiveness. I currently run a series of dementia reading groups that feature School of English students reading poetry in care homes and local hospitals. I also help run a weekly community reading group in the Lenton area of Nottingham. Further details of all the reading groups can be found here:
I also edit a dementia blog Dementia Day-to-Day. Dementia Day-to-Day is a recent joint initiative led by the Institute of Mental Health and the University of Nottingham School of English. It takes the form of a unique series of blogs - mainly online diaries and reflective pieces. We've assembled a panel of authors - from all walks of life, each with their own lived experience of, and interest in, dementia - to explore the subject of ageing and wellbeing from as many angles as possible.
Dementia Day-to-Day is an ever-expanding resource. Accordingly we welcome blogs from new authors. If you would like to contribute, please do contact us by emailing sends e-mail)
Future Research
I am currently researching in the area of reading for wellbeing and critical multi-modal discourse analysis.