Criminal Justice Research Centre

New Honorary Professor joins CJRC

Mike McConville

We are delighted to announce that Professor Mike McConville, founding Dean and Emeritus Professor of the Faculty of Law at the Chinese University Hong Kong (CUHK) and former Head of Warwick Law School, has been appointed as an Honorary Professor in the School of Law from 1 August 2017.

Mike is known across the world for his immense contribution to socio-legal criminal justice studies. He is the author of numerous books on subjects such as plea bargaining, trial by jury, police interrogation and legal aid and assistance and has most recently co-edited (with Wing Hong Chui) the second edition of Research Methods for Law (Edinburgh University Press, 2017).

Mike has a long connection with the University of Nottingham Law School. He obtained his PhD from the University of Nottingham in 1975, studying under Sir John Smith, and was a tutor in the school from 1972-73. In October 2016 he gave the second Sir John Smith lecture on the subject, 'A Century of Crime: Judicial Politics and the Rule of Law' and his forthcoming book (with Luke Marsh) entitled 'The Myth of Judicial Independence' will be published by Oxford University Press next year.

Posted on Thursday 31st August 2017

Criminal Justice Research Centre

School of Law
Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 846 6239