The Centre provides an overarching community for specialists in the study of translation studies, comparative literature, and comparative cultural studies. Our members are involved in teaching and research at both postgraduate and undergraduate levels.
Research degrees (PhD)
We welcome applications from people interested in research involving the Centre's themes:
- audio-visual and literary translation
- cultural transfer
- comparative intellectual and cultural studies
- comparative literature.
Our approach is interdisciplinary and focusses both on European and Western-Chinese contexts.
See the prospectusfor full information on PhD structure, funding and support.
Translation Studies PhD
Comparative Literature PhD
You are advised to contact your potential academic supervisor before making an application. They may be able to help you with your proposal and advise on possible sources of funding.
Our research team profiles
Our PhD researchers are part of a lively and engaged research community and are encouraged to:
- take part in seminars, conferences and regular reading groups
- get involved in our research centres and networks
Translation Studies and Linguistics research environment

Be part of a thriving community of doctoral students producing world-class research.
Masters degrees (MA)
There are two masters degrees that allow you to explore the Centre's themes in more depth.
Translation Studies/Translation Studies (with Interpreting) MA
Chinese/English Translation and Interpreting MA
Undergraduate degrees (BA)
The Centre's themes are embedded in our undergraduate degrees, both as a dedicated degree and as specialist modules as part of an interdisciplinary approach.
Modern Languages with Translation BA
All Modern Languages degrees
Post-doctoral study
We welcome enquiries for postdoctoral study in the Centre. Interested academics should contact Dr Maike Oergel.
The principal funding opportunities for such study are through:
We are very happy to support high-quality applications to these schemes.