Mixed Reality Laboratory

Data Journeys Archway at Nottingham Light Night 2016

Nottingham Light Night
Friday 5th February 2016 (18:00-21:00)
See the Facebook event page.

In collaboration with artist in residence Andrew Wilson, we have developed the Data Journeys Archway. This will go live this Friday during Nottingham Lightnight.

If you stand in front of the archway there will be a question for you to ask yourself. Step through the arch and it will learn something about you, and will give you a piece of wisdom in return. The archway will be in the centre of Nottingham on Light Night, this Friday 5th February, 6pm-9pm. You won't be able to miss it, it's 10 feet tall and covered with LED lights!

We are exploring archways as the beginnings and endings of journeys within the urban environment and how those journeys relate to the capture of personal data. Very much experimentation as part of the development of the prototype and our thinking.

Mixed Reality Laboratory

University of Nottingham
School of Computer Science
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

email: mrl@cs.nott.ac.uk