The talk will focus on work carried out on a current EPSRC project Virtual Realities: Immersive Documentary Encounters. Following a brief overview of the CREATE Lab in Bath, I will discuss the three waves of VR and summarise some findings from early work. I’ll then go on to discuss real world and lab-based studies in VR being carried out within the project.
Prof. Danaë Stanton Fraser directs the CREATE Lab in Psychology at the University of Bath. Her area of expertise is human-computer interaction with a focus on the design and evaluation of mobile, virtual and pervasive technologies. Danaë’s work is underpinned by a process of co-design with end users and industrial partners in the development and evaluation of technologies. Danaë has obtained grants from the EPSRC, ESRC, AHRC, charities and industry. She is currently an investigator on the EPSRC Renew project, EPSRC Virtual Realities and an AHRC Creative Cluster. Danae has published in high-impact international journals and conferences including ACM CHI, DIS, CSCL and Ubicomp as well as in JEP Applied, Behavioural Brain Research, Ergonomics, Computers in Human Behavior and Memory and Cognition. She is a member of the EPSRC ICT and Digital Economy Strategic Advisory Teams.
University of Nottingham School of Computer Science Nottingham, NG8 1BB