Mixed Reality Laboratory

Talk by Chris Greenhalgh

Mixed Reality Lab Meeting Space
Friday 13th October 2017 (12:00-13:00)


Climb! is a complex non-linear musical work for piano and electronics by Maria Kallionpää. It is particularly suited to being experienced more than once because every performance can evolve differently as a result of the pianist’s actions at key points in the piece and some elements of chance. Technically, Climb! is based on the Muzicodes (musical codes) system created in the MRL linked to a dynamic digital music score system (MELD) developed at the University of Oxford, the MAX/MSP music software system and a number of supporting interfaces. The world premiere of Climb! was held in Nottingham at the Djanogly Recital Hall on June 8 2017, supported by the MRL. This talk will give an overview of Climb!, the technical system that it depends on and its various supporting interfaces: an on-stage projection, an audience mobile app and a web-based archive. The talk will also touch on work in progress to support future performances and publication of the score.

Mixed Reality Laboratory

University of Nottingham
School of Computer Science
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

email: mrl@cs.nott.ac.uk