Mixed Reality Laboratory

Talks by Gustavo Berumen and Damla Kilic

Mixed Reality Lab Meeting Space
Friday 19th October 2018 (12:00-13:00)

PhD students Gustavo Berumen and Damla Kilic will give introductory talks to the lab. 

Gustavo Berumen - Smart fast moving consumer goods to support everyday practices

Practices are ways of doing routines; ways of cooking, cleaning and grooming are examples of them. Through practices, we meet our needs and structures our lives. Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) are an essential part of a myriad of practices and inevitable they have an impact on our lives. FMCG have an opportunity to provide extra support to practices with the addition of a digital layer that allows to collect information about products' usage and provide extra functionalities. Through careful observations, we aim to understand how people perform practices and with such insights, we then aim to develop smart FMCG prototypes to deploy them in the field. The services such smart FMCG would provide could have a truly positive impact on people’s lives by allowing them to make better use of FMCG and improve or support their associated practices.

Damla Kilic - The Cardboard Box Study

The integration of tiny sensors and chips in the people`s home by means of smart objects and other technological devices leads to increase the importance of that when and how the activities of the people in the setting can be seen by the other members. The observability between the members of setting via the pervasive sensing creates a new form of data: interpersonal data. In this talk, I will introduce my PhD research project, “The Cardboard Box Study”. It focuses particularly on the kinds of digital data participants a) deem private and the circumstances in which they would b) share them with other people they know and c) allow third parties to access and process them for commercial reasons, including providing new digital services that might be of value to household members. 

Mixed Reality Laboratory

University of Nottingham
School of Computer Science
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

email: mrl@cs.nott.ac.uk