Mixed Reality Laboratory

Talk by Juan Pablo Martínez Ávila

Mixed Reality Lab Meeting Space
Friday 26th April 2019 (12:00-13:00)

Juan Pablo, a PhD student on the FAST project, will present a CHI paper (which obtained a honourable mention) as well as some of his recent PhD work to the lab this week. 

Encumbered Interaction: a Study of Musicians Preparing to Perform

Guitars are physical instruments that require skillful two-handed use. Their use is also supported by diverse digital and physical resources, such as videos and chord charts. To understand the challenges of interacting with supporting resources at the same time as playing we conducted an ethnographic study of the preparation activities of working musicians. We observe successive stages of individual and collaborative preparation, in which working musicians engage with a diverse range of digital and physical resources to support their preparation. Interaction with this complex ecology of digital and physical resources is finely interwoven into their embodied musical practices, which are usually encumbered by having their instrument in hand, and often by playing. We identify challenges for augmenting guitars within the rehearsal process by supporting interaction that is encumbered, contextual and connected, and suggest a range of possible responses.

Mixed Reality Laboratory

University of Nottingham
School of Computer Science
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

email: mrl@cs.nott.ac.uk