Mixed Reality Laboratory

Talk by Heloisa Candello (Research Scientist, IBM Research)

C1 Computer Science
Thursday 21st November 2019 (12:00-13:00)

Heloisa Candello, a Research Scientist at IBM Research  Brazil, will give a guest talk to the lab. Note: this talk is taking place on Thursday in C1 and not Friday.

Design and Evaluation of Multi-party Conversational Systems

User Evaluation of Multi-party Conversational Systems. Recent advances in artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and mobile computing, together with the rising popularity of chat and messaging environments, have enabled a boom in the deployment of interactive systems based on conversation and dialogue. This talk explores the design and evaluation of conversational interfaces, and it is focused on design and evaluation methods which address specific challenges of interfaces based on multi-party dialogue. You will see two projects. First, Café com os Santiagos is an artwork where visitors conversed with three chatbots portraying characters from a book in a scenographic space recreating a 19th-century coffee table. It was accessed by more than 10.000 users in a public space resulting in insights to improve even more the conversation system field. Second, I will show an experiment with a cognitive investment adviser called Finch. Finch interface was able to make a state-of-art artificial conversational governance system accessible for regular users to assist in financial decisions. 

About Heloisa

Heloisa Candello, Ph.D. is a research scientist and an interaction designer at the Conversational Intelligence group at IBM Research laboratory in Brazil. She has experience conducting mixed-methods research in the collection, design, and evaluation of conversational systems. She holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science, Interactive Technologies from the University of Brighton – UK. Her primary research interest was on applying design methods to uncover how people use multimedia features in their mobile devices in cultural heritage settings. Before joining IBM, Heloisa was a lecturer and a researcher in mobile interaction technologies. Nowadays, at IBM, Heloisa is leading and designing novel and extraordinary user experiences and research in the context of conversational systems. Her research resulted in several publications in leading conferences (CHI, CSCW, DRS, DUXU) and recognition in the HCI and Design field.

Mixed Reality Laboratory

University of Nottingham
School of Computer Science
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

email: mrl@cs.nott.ac.uk