Professor of Computer Science & EPSRC Dream Fellow, Faculty of Science
Steve Benford is the Dunford Professor of Computer Science at the University of Nottingham where he co-founded the Mixed Reality Laboratory. He is Director of the EPSRC-funded Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training and also Director of the University's Smart Products beacon of research excellence. He was previously an EPSRC Dream Fellow, a Visiting Researcher at Microsoft Research Cambridge and a Visiting Professor at the BBC.
Technology: Augmented and Mixed Reality, Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing, Tangible and Material Computing
Applications: Culture and Entertainment including Art & Performance, Games, Television, Museums and Amusement Parks
Methods: User Experience Design, Human Computer Interaction, Ethnography
Theory: Trajectories, Uncomfortable Interactions, Spectator Interfaces, Ambiguity & Interpretation
University of Nottingham School of Computer Science Nottingham, NG8 1BB