Nottingham International Law and Security Centre
students in lecture


The Nottingham International Law and Security Centre (NILSC) is proud to host a variety of events which are of interest to academics, students, legal practitioners, industry experts, civil society and government personnel.

International Legal Theory Reading Group

NILSC’s International Legal Theory Reading Group is co-convened by Dr Matthew Windsor and Dr Victor Kattan. It provides an engaging forum in which to explore innovative recent international law scholarship. The reading group is open to members of staff at the University of Nottingham, as well as PhD and LLM students. For inquiries about the group, please contact

Lecture Series

Our events include our Lecture Series, which features high profile speakers presenting on topics of world-wide significance. This includes the Annual Lecture Series which is run by our International Humanitarian Law Programme.

Previous Lecture Series events include a lecture by Professor Anita Ramasatry (University of Washington School of Law and UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights), ‘Corporate and State Complicity for Human Rights Violations in Conflict-Affected and Fragile States’.

Seminar Series

We are also proud to host our Seminar Series, which is a programme of guest speakers, colleagues and doctoral researchers from law and related disciplines. Speakers present on topical or controversial issues in order to engage with the academic and wider community.

Previous Seminar Series events include:

  • Therese O’Donnell, University of Strathclyde, “Dispute Settlement and the ILC Draft Articles on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters: Is there a role for mediation?”, March 2020, rescheduled TBC.
  • Aniruddha Rajput, ILC, “Evidence before international courts and tribunals, March 2020
  • Dr Catherine Brolmann, University of Amsterdam, “Periodisation of the History of International Organisations”, 19 February 2020
  • Surhabi Ranganathan, University of Cambridge, “Worldmaking on the Sea”, 12 February 2020
  • Lisa Vanhala, UCL, “Governing Climate Change-related Loss and Damage”, 29 January 2020
  • Marie-Anne Birken, General Counsel, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, “Accountability of Multilateral Development Banks in the Wake of the Jam Case”, 6 November 2019

Conferences, workshops and rountables

NILSC also sponsors and runs a variety of different events which enable researchers in the area of international law and security to exchange ideas, develop agendas and increase the impact of their activities.

Previous events include workshops such as ‘Human Rights and the Privileges and Immunities of International Organisations Workshop’, which was co-hosted with the Human Rights Law Centre. Roundtables such as ‘2019 Annual LLM Roundtable: Fact, Truth, and Fact-Finding in Warfare’. Conferences including ‘70th Anniversary of Genocide Convention’, and symposiums such as ‘The Law and Politics of the Syrian Conflict’.

All events

NILSC Seminar - Aspects of the Political Economy of Security

18 March 2025 (18:00-19:30)
B63 Law & Social Sciences Building

Nottingham International Law and Security Centre (NILSC) launches 2023-2024 Book Discussion Series

06 December 2023 (13:00) - 01 May 2024 (14:00)
Online - MS Teams
NILSC Director, Professor Dino Kritsiotis, today announced that the Centre will be pilot-testing a book discussion series during this academic session.

NILSC Research Seminar Series - 14 December

14 December 2022 (13:00-14:00)

NILSC - International Legal Theory Reading Group - Session 3

23 November 2022 (15:30-16:30)
B55 Law & Social Sciences Building

NILSC Research Seminar Series - Dr Natalie Hodgson

09 November 2022 (13:00-14:00)
A4, Law and Social Sciences, University Park
Crimes Against Migrants as Crimes Against Humanity: Rewriting and Reimagining International Criminal Law.

NILSC Seminar - Guest speaker Sonam Gordhan, UCL

17 March 2022 (16:00-17:00)
MS Teams live event
NILSC Seminar with guest speaker.

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Imperialism revisited and the language of International Law

04 March 2022 (17:00-18:00)
MS Teams
School of Law, University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University - Talk on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

ILA Seminar: Cyber Operations in Armed Conflict

26 November 2020 (13:00-14:30)
Via Teams

ILA Seminar: Global Equitable Access to Covid-19 Vaccines - Wednesday 28 October 2020

28 October 2020 (13:00-14:15)
Via Teams
ILA Seminar Wednesday 28 October.

Initial Thoughts on A Sociology of International Humanitarian Law

28 November 2019 (17:15) - 29 January 2021 (18:45)
A21 (Council Room)
Eighth Annual Lecture in International Humanitarian Law


Nottingham International Law and Security Centre

School of Law
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 951 5732/5694