Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre

BIC-ISMRM 2024 at University of Nottingham

BIC-ISMRM 2024 logo v2 spelling fix

We look forward to welcoming you to the BIC ISMRM 2024 Annual Meeting, which will be held at the University of Nottingham from 11th to 13th September. The theme of the meeting will be 50+ years of MRI, recognising Nottingham’s long association with the development and application of magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy (MRI/S).

The first day of the meeting will comprise a Workshop on Beyond 1H: Xing up MRI/S. The following two days will include invited, oral and poster presentations on all aspects of MRI. A fantastic set of speakers have agreed to deliver invited lectures at the meeting and we are delighted that Professor Derek Jones (University of Cardiff and ISMRM President) will deliver this year’s flagship Bill Moore Lecture. Some initial information on registration, abstract submission and social events is given below, with further details following soon.

If you have any questions about the meeting, please contact us by email.

Richard Bowtell, on behalf of the Local Organising Committee

Meeting venue

The meeting venue will be the Monica Partridge Building at the heart of the main University of Nottingham campus (University Park). It has a large ground-floor lecture theatre and foyer space (for posters and the commercial exhibition). University Park is ~15 minutes by tram or bus from the railway station. Parking is available on campus.


Meeting accomodation

Ancaster Hall, University Park
Orchard Hotel, University Park
Ancaster Hall
Orchard Hotel

Accommodation will be offered on campus in Ancaster Hall (£70 per night for bed and breakfast in an ensuite room). The Orchard Hotel is also located on campus and there are many hotels in the surrounding area. It is a ~10-minute walk from The Orchard Hotel or Ancaster Hall to the Monica Partridge Building.

Preliminary programme

The workshop on the Wednesday afternoon (12:00pm - 5:00pm) will focus on how to implement and exploit X-nuclei imaging and spectroscopy on clinical and pre-clinical systems. There will be invited presentations, a poster session and brief talks from the vendors. There will also be an optional tour of the nearby Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre after the workshop.

The main meeting takes place on Thursday and Friday (9:00am - 5:00pm) and will include a mix of presentations of invited and proffered papers, as well as poster sessions and an opportunity to meet with commercial exhibitors. Invited speakers include Derek Jones (Cardiff) who will deliver this year’s prestigious Bill Moore Lecture, Eleftheria Panagiotaki (UCL), Jana Hutter (KCL), Nicolas Boulant (Paris) and Rhodri Cusack (Dublin).

Lunch, and coffee and tea will be provided in the breaks. 

Abstract submissions

Abstract submissions are now open for the 2024 BIC-ISMRM! The deadline for submission has been extended to 23:59 on Friday 12th July 2024. Abstracts should be submitted using the form linked below. Reviewing will be double blind, so we ask you to submit two copies of your abstract: one complete abstract and one de-identified abstract i.e. with the authors, affiliation and acknowledgements deleted.

The abstract format broadly follows that used by the main ISMRM meeting but excluding the Synopsis & Impact sections. There is a limit of 750 words for the body of the abstract (not including references), up to five figures with 500 characters per caption and typeset using size 11 Calibri. Finally, the abstract including figures should be no more than two A4 pages in length and to be submitted in the DOCX format linked here.

Follow this link to submit your abstract. Alternatively, if that link doesn't work, follow this link instead.

We are also running a PubhD event and you can notify us of your interest in taking part during the submission of your abstract. PubhD is an exciting and accessible format for talking about your work in the pub! We’ll ask the people who submitted our three favourite tweets (280 characters) about their work to present for 10 minutes without slides. You will have a flipchart and can bring any props you want – try to think outside the box!

Social events

The conference dinner will be held in Ancaster Hall on Thursday evening and there will be a PubhD event in a Nottingham City Centre pub on Wednesday evening.


We are trying to keep registration costs as low as possible to encourage attendance at this valuable meeting for the British and Irish MR research community. We also expect to be able to offer bursaries in support of registration and accommodation costs for PhD students.

The registration costs are detailed below. Please register via the Nottingham Online Store.

Early-bird rates (before 6th August)
 PhD student  £80
 ISMRM / ISMRT Trainee Member  £80
 ISMRM / ISMRT Member  £160
 Non-member  £180


Regular rates (on and after 6th August)
 PhD student  £90
 ISMRM / ISMRT Trainee Member  £90
 ISMRM / ISMRT Member  £180
 Non-member  £200


Other rates
 Virtual attendance  £40
 Workshop  £25

Save the dates

  • Friday 12th July - Abstract submission deadline

  • Tuesday 30th July - Outcome of abstract review

  • Tuesday 6th August - Early-bird registration deadline

  • Wednesday 11th to Friday 13th September - Workshop and meeting