Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre

Clinical and Commercial Trials

We support the implementation and evaluation of novel MRI technologies in clinical populations and settings, and provide support for the use of MRI in clinical and commercial trials. 

clinical trials-index


We work closely with scientists and clinicians in our partner NHS organisations, particularly Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust and Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trusts, to support the development MRI-based clinical research and translation of new imaging approaches into the clinic. In addition to an extensive research progamme in adults, our research portfolio includes a number of MRI studies in children, with facilities and preparation materials optimised for child-friendly MRI scanning.

Coordinator: Prof. Robert Dineen 

Research examples

Quantitative imaging in ataxia telangiectasia.  Examples of MRI scans performed for the Nottingham Ataxia Telangiectasia research programme, including whole-body DWI, cerebellar volumetric, spectroscopy, and microbleed mapping.

Quantitative imaging in ataxia telangiectasia


Child-friendly MRI at SPMIC.  Top left – child preparation using the MRI simulator; top right – animation to help child preparation; bottom left – Lego MRI scanner for play preparation; bottom right – child-friendly open MRI.

Child-friendly MRI at SPMIC