Your Foundation Arts staff
Meet the team and find out what some of our current students have to say.
Coming to university will be a big adjustment and right now, you might be feeling a little unsure. But as they say, the only constant in life is change.
You probably already know that when you come to university, you’ll be learning in a different way and shall be given more responsibility when it comes to managing your own work. But this also gives you more flexibility and more freedom, you’ll have the opportunity to follow your interests and explore subjects in ways not possible at school. You’ll grow not just academically, but as a person.
Trust us, this is where it all starts – it’s going to be exciting.
But don’t worry, you won’t be alone. Foundation classes at Nottingham are deliberately kept small. We want to get to know all our students so we can keep an eye out for you. We’re your first port of call for any problems or worries you may have. We want you to succeed and to be able to move on from the foundation year ready to thrive during your degree.
"I really enjoy meeting our new students each September. It's always great on graduation days to see how much our students have gone on to achieve in between - however unsure they might have been at the start!".
“Getting to know our amazing students is absolutely a highlight of my job. People come to foundation from all sorts of places and with loads of different experiences, and it’s always fun and interesting learning about everyone.”
“I love the rich discussions that we have in Foundation Arts: I always leave the classroom energised not only because I get to teach such wonderful students but also because I learn so much from them!”
We've got amazing lecturers on the foundation course. They deliver our lectures, hold our seminars and are our personal tutors too. It's nice because we get to know them really well, they're very approachable.
Liberal Arts with Foundation Year BA
My lecturers during the foundation year ... are genuinely lovely, lovely people.
American Studies and History with Foundation Year BA
The foundation staff were amazing, they really stand out as they're the ones who take you under their wing and help you grow so much. They were definitely part of the reason why I've gotten this far, they really helped build me up academically.
Theology and Religious Studies with Foundation Year BA