Ancaster Hall

Welcome to Ancaster Hall JCR website at the University of Nottingham!

Ancaster Karni


What is Karni?

Karni is the University Of Nottingham 's rag organisation - the part of the Student's Union that provides you with opportunities to go out and raise money for charities. The start of the academic year coincides with the height of the Karnival season. Karni events occur throughout the academic year – below is a taster of some events organised last year:

Ancaster Hall

Meet our amazing Karni Reps!

Our six Karni reps are ready for a big challenge this year, and with Ancy miles ahead of any other hall, we are in a great position to win this year! Come on Ancy!!! This page informs you about Karni, and introduces you to our six Karni Reps.
Email these guys at and remember to visit the Ancy Karni website at and support us!

Sian Joseph

Sian Joseph

Although Ancaster Karni is a democratic organisation there is an individual who ensures that things are always running smoothly. This is Sian 's role within the group. She is always enthusiastic, always committed and motivated to succeed and her efforts on rag raids are incomparable. Her infectious smile and cheeky Welsh accent have ensured Ancaster Karni has already raised 1000's of pounds for charity and her upbeat personality inspires those around her. Sian is not just focused upon organisation however. When she lets her hair down she can be a bit of a nutter on the dance floor, and never shies away from demonstrating her vocals talents on the karaoke machine. Sian is the sort of person everyone would pick for their team. She manages to mix hard work with the ability to have a great laugh, and is fully dedicated to everything she involves herself in.

Michael Harvey-Bray

Michael Harvey-Bray

Crowned ‘Mr Ancaster', Mr Micheal Harvey-Bray can only be described as a true diamond geezer! Mike is constantly on top form and his cockney banter and hilarious sharp whit will never fail to make you smile. His awesome footy skills and cheekiness are incomparable and proved epic when he represented Ancy in the infamous ‘Mr Nottingham' competition where he exhibited his ‘sweet ass' in a thong and demonstrated his ball skills. One of the lads an absolute legend with a sensitive side Mike is an awesome rep and a top bloke.

Emily Barker

Emily Barker

Emily could best be described as the boho rep. She looks at things from a different perspective to most people, and this makes her ideas and input into Karni very refreshing. She announced her individuality to the Ancaster freshers last year by recounting a dream she had had the night before our first rag raid. In Week One, a large furry tiger attends all the parties distributing free contraception to those who require it. Its name is ‘Easy Tiger.' Emily announced that in her dream she had met the tiger's alter ego, ‘Dirty Beaver,' who promoted promiscuity as apposed to vigilance. This nickname stuck, and it shows Emily's ability to laugh at herself and her sense of humour. She was inspirational on the Reps rag raid to Edinburgh , becoming the best collector in the university with over £400. Emily is definitely the most outgoing of the group, she is not afraid to express herself and is confident enough to entertain and motivate those around her. It is never dull to be around Emily, she is flirty and ferocious but is very committed and has a desire to succeed.

Gervaise Cox

Gervaise Cox

Most people who meet Gervase all agree that he is perhaps the nicest individual they have ever come across. This makes him an excellent person to have with you on a rag raid because he is always upbeat, and will keep you going when you feel you can collect no longer. Gervase secured himself as part of Ancaster Karni legend, when he was the first person to bring a guitar on a rag raid. His musical exploits on the journeys to and from the cities we visit, have become an essential part of Ancy tradition. There is nothing better than a bit of a drunken sing-a-long, and you can expect Gervase to be at the centre of it. Gervase is a friend to everyone and is charming and approachable.

Fiona McGovern

Fiona McGovern

Fiona's personality can be best described as kaleidoscopic. Her range of interests span from rugby union to conceptual art and this makes her a very invigorating person to talk to. She is enchanting both in personality and appearance. Her outfits are always inventive and she is often the most glamorous individual amongst the group! Fiona is a true extrovert but she also has a very considerate side to her personality. This is what makes her such an important Karni rep. Whilst others may be distracted or occupied elsewhere, Fiona is always the individual who will put an arm round your shoulder and ask if you are alright. This is what really shines through about Fiona, she really cares. So although she may be the loudest in the room, with her distinctive chuckle and colourful dress sense, she is also someone who is aware of those around her, and she is someone you can rely on. Fiona is like no one else you'll ever meet, and this is a very good thing.


Will Gallier

Will Gallier

Will leads by example combining his endless energy and enthusiasm with an ability to collect an awesome amount of money. He has unquestionable charm and is most likely to be found sweet talking beautiful (and somewhat mature) women convincing them to donate to charity. Notorious for his weird, wonderful and homemade costumes Will always gets involved and is always keen to succeed. He is not only prolific on rag raids however, Will is something of a Hugh Grant figure on the Ark dance floor and is a very much a prominent part of the Karni Web of Love. Will is reliable and organised and is a rep you can trust 100%.

Ancaster Hall 2005 - Created by Sasha