Ancaster Hall

Welcome to Ancaster Hall JCR website at the University of Nottingham!


The SCR is formally known as the Senior Common Room. This is the general term used for the body responsible for student welfare and safety. There is a hall warden (Svenja Adolphs), senior tutor (George Kuk) and eight other tutors. To help you adjust to living and working at the University, Ancaster takes some trouble to foster positive relationships between senior and junior members of the University.

Svenja Adolfs, as aforementioned, is the Warden of Ancaster Hall and lives very near to the hall itself. She has responsibility for student welfare and liaison with the Hall Management and their staff. She is a member of the academic staff in the School of English Studies and has been at Nottingham University since 1995.

On arrival all students are assigned to a Resident Tutor. The tutors will help you settle in and make your first term as easy as possible. Most tutors are pretty chilled out – organising cheese and wine evenings every month or so and even free pizza evenings! However, be warned – some are more lenient than others! Try to get on the right side of the tutors and you will be fine. They are involved in a disciplinary role to ensure that you follow hall regulations. For example, if you have a gathering of 3 or more in your room after 11pm and are making noise – you may get fined, or receive a stern warning. Tutors may ask you to be quiet or quieter. Music and noise must always be kept at a low volume, and especially after 11pm . Please do ask other block residents to be quiet yourselves in the first instance, but inform your tutor the following day if you are regularly disturbed by noise in your block. The tutor will talk to the person or people involved. If the noise persists tutors may inform the Warden, who can fine those responsible. Please remember that you are responsible for any noise in your room, even when it is being made by other people. Never use fire extinguishers unless there is a fire. Misuse of fire equipment is taken very seriously and heavy fines will be made.

Disciplinary Procedures

The Warden has summary powers over University Regulations to take disciplinary action against students for breaches of Hall Rules or University Regulations, whether resident in Ancaster Hall or just visiting. For serious breaches of rules, the Warden has the right to pass on the case to Senate Disciplinary Committee which has far reaching powers, including exclusion from the University. Fines of up to £150 can be imposed by the Warden – even on first offence. If you wish to research further on this matter – take a look at . Unpaid fines become a debt to the University. You cannot graduate or re-register until they are paid so it is foolish to ignore a letter advising you of a fine.

Resident Tutors

George Kuk

He comes from Hong Kong , studied at Leeds for his BSc, then at Nottingham for his PhD, which was awarded in July 1994. He was then appointed to Research Fellow in the Department of Psychology and has now been appointed to a lectureship in the Business School . His research interest is Teamwork. Appointed to Ancaster Hall in 1994, he has been Senior Tutor since January 1998. George lives in the Bungalow, beside the ‘A' Wing ext 13148.

Christopher Hill

Christopher joined Ancaster in September 2002. He is currently studying for a PhD in Political Science having completed a BA in Classical Civilisation and an MA in International Relations. He is presently working on Spanish transitionary politics. He is a member of both the University Basketball and American Football teams. He enjoys cinema, reading, traveling and languages and occupies Flat C1 ext 13147.

Vasilis Zervos

Vasilis also joined Ancaster in Septemeber 2002. He is a Greek national and member of the academic staff of the University of Nottingham Business School, Industrial Economics Division since 1999. He did a BA in Economics in Athens ( Greece ), an MSc in Economics at Birmingham , with his dissertation on the European Central Bank and has completed his DPhil in Economics on the ‘Economics of the European Space Industry' at the University of York . Dr. Zervos' research interests are primarily in the Economics of Space Industries as well as the Aerospace and Defence Industries. Sports interests include rugby league, football, track and swimming and occupies Flat E2 ext 13146.

Alistair Henderson

Joined Ancaster in September 2001. He graduated from Hull University in 1999 with a MEng in Mechanical Engineering and is currently studying for a PhD in Manufacturing Engineering. When not working, he is a member of the thai boxing club, plays football and trains at a local judo club. He lives in Flat E1 exr 13143.

Anna Sidorovitch

Relatively new to Ancaster Hall, joining in September 2003, Anna is a research student from Belarus and in her second year of PhD into Higher Education Policies in Eastern Europe with the School of Continuing Education . She lives in Flat B2, ext 13109.

Satinder Chettra

Again, Satinder joined Ancaster in 2003. She is currently studying for her PhD in the Pharmacy Department within the Biophysics group. Satinder completed her undergraduate degree at Kingston University . She regularly holds tours around the campus for UCAS students – so if anyone ever has any questions regarding the area and the hotspots for nightlife – you know exactly who to ask!!! Satinder has a keen interest in most racket sports and loves football – supporting Chelsea . She lives in Flat F0, ext 67553.

Adriana Ortega

Adriana joined 2 years ago and is currently working on her PhD thesis on applied Psychology at the Institute of Work , Health and Organisations here at Nottingham . Adriana is originally from Venezuela , a beautiful country located north of South America bording with the Caribbean Sea . She enjoys traveling – especially city breaks and short hiking trips, swimming and walking long distance. Adriana practices Sahaja yoga and meditation and is studying Buddhism philosophy and Swedish. She lives in Flat F2, ext. 67554.

Ancaster Hall 2005 - Created by Sasha