Nottingham University Business School
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Dr Amanda Crompton

Image of Dr Amanda Crompton
PhD (Nottingham), PGCHE (Nottingham)
Associate Professor in Public Policy and Management

Department: Strategy and International Business
Centre/Institute: CHILL
Tel: +44 (0) 115 9515487
Location: C34 (North Building, Jubilee Campus)

Amanda is an Associate Professor in Public Policy and Management. Following completion of her PhD (University of Nottingham, School of Sociology and Social Policy, 2005) she worked at a number of internationally renowned policy centres including the Centre for Research in Social Policy (Loughborough University) and the International Centre for Governance and Public Management (University of Warwick).

Amanda is a sociologist by training and she applies sociological theory to the analysis of public policy. In particular, her research explores policy dialogues including the interactions between stakeholders and the construction of policy narratives that influence the practice of policy decision-making. She has presented at international conferences such as the International Sociological Association and convened sessions at the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS). Amanda has published in a wide range of international journals including Social Science and Medicine, Public Policy and Administration, Public Management Review and Sociology of Health and Illness.

Amanda is a member of the Centre for Health Innovation, Leadership and Learning (CHILL), Nottingham University Business School and is a committee member for the Joint Universities Council and the Public Administration Committee.

Areas of Expertise
Sociology, public policy, qualitative research, network analysis, policy decision-making, co-production, stakeholder engagement, public services management, frame analysis, decentred theory and collaborative governance.


The following lists my publications from 2014 to the present day.

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I am the module convenor for the following modules:

Public Services Management (undergraduate programme)

And I teach on the following modules:

Business, Government and Public Policy (undergraduate programme)

Amanda is currently Co-Principal Investigator for a project entitled Strategic Decision-Making and the Potential of Co-production in Regional Health and Care Before, During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic (Funded by National Institute for Health Research).

Past research projects include:

2019-20: Formative Appraisal of Early Health Investigation Branch Investigations (Principal Investigator. Funded by Health Service Investigation Branch)

2016: Evaluation of Nottingham Forest's 'Feel Good Club' (Principal Investigator. Funded by Hermes, Boots and Nottingham Forrest Football Club)

2015: Appraisal of the STAR (Socio-Technical Approach to Resource Allocation) Methodology (Principal Investigator. Funded by The Health Foundation)

2014: GP Challenge Fund Evaluation (Principal Investigator. Funded by Erewash CCG)

Amanda is currently collaborating on the following projects:

  • Investor Action on Health Project

Amanda is currently supervising the following Research Students:

Farheen Akhtar
University Administrative Roles
Student Engagement and Attendance Programme Board (Chaired by Stephen McAuliffe): August 2022 - August 2023 Student Engagement and Attendance Policy and Process Working Group (Chaired by Helen Williams): August 2022 - August 2023 Here for You Working Group (led by Andy Fisher, University Senior Tutor and Luke Phillmore) since March 2024

School Administrative Roles
Senior Tutor
Academic Guide

School and University Committee Memberships
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee 2023
Research Ethics Committee (NUBS REC) 2023 Ethics Reviewer and Committee Member
School Teaching and Learning Committee 2023
TEF/NSS working group 2020


Nottingham University Business School

Jubilee Campus

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