The Nottingham Confucius Institute

Nottingham Confucius Institute holds 'Chinese Brush Painting Workshop'

On 11th November 2016, NCI held a Chinese Brush Painting workshop in The University of Nottingham’s Siyuan Centre, Jubilee Campus, which was attended by over 15 middle school students from Malcom Arnold Academy in Northampton.

Chinese artist Jiang Hongsheng began the event by giving a lesson on China’s different brush painting schools, brush painting tools and the appreciation of Chinese brush painting. Mr Jiang then taught students how to paint China’s national flower, the peony, and gave them the chance to create their own paintings of the flower. At the end of the workshop there was a question and answer session with Mr Jiang.

The workshop was a resounding success, with all the students saying that they enjoyed it very much and found it an incredibly rewarding experience.




  当地时间2016年11月11日上午10点开始诺丁汉大学孔子学院在诺丁汉大学思源中心A18会议室为北安普顿的Malcolm Arnold Academy的中学生成功举办了“中国画”工作坊。

  共有16名来自Malcolm Arnold Academy 的中学生参加了本次工作坊。诺丁汉大学孔子学院邀请了来自宁波的著名画家姜红升教大家画中国的国花---牡丹。参加工作坊的同学们情趣盎然,一丝不苟地跟姜老师描画,工作坊取得了很好的效果,同学们在短短两小时的时间内都画出了令自己满意的作品。



Posted on Monday 21st November 2016

Nottingham Confucius Institute

Room A23, CI Library
Si Yuan Building
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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