The Nottingham Confucius Institute

NCI holds the 9th "China and Me" Mandarin Speech Competition

9th CMS talent show


11 Nottingham students of various nationalities including British, French, Spanish, Hungarian, Thai, Singaporean and Malaysian demonstrated their Mandarin skills at the 9th “China and Me” Speech Competition on Wednesday 8th November. The annual event, held by Nottingham Confucius Institute (NCI) since 2009, offers Mandarin learners an opportunity to test and showcase their language proficiency. It also serves as an excellent screening exercise for the selection of contestants who will be sent to attend the following year’s Chinese Bridge Competition, representing University of Nottingham.  

The contestants were divided into two levels: intermediate and advanced. Their three-minute speeches covered a wide range of topics from Chinese cultural heritage, ancient Chinese legends, Chinese cuisine, Kung fu to experience of learning Mandarin and living in China. They also showcased  fascinating talent, including Chinese calligraphy, paper cutting, singing whilst playing guitar, cat walk in Qi Pao and Shaolin Kung fu.  The event was attended by over 60 students and staff who expressed their enthusiasm and support with warm rounds of applause for each performance.

Results of the competition are as below: 
First prize winner: Zhi Yee Lim (Advanced); Nattaporn Lapitananuvat (Intermediate)
Second Prize winner: Tyrone Byrne and Olivia Thompson (Advanced); Sara Fernandez (Intermediate)
Third prize winner: Sam Bigwood (Advaned); Tristan Young (Intermediate)



文/吴昊 图/陈茜



      诺丁汉大学中方院长孟金蓉女士首先致辞,对大家的到来表示了欢迎,并且希望各位选手能够享受比赛。随后大赛拉开序幕,中级组1号选手Tofunmi Omisore带来《青年与政治》,由于是第一位上场,她有些许紧张,中间一度停顿,但观众席响起了热烈的掌声,在大家的鼓励下,选手顺利完成了演讲并带来一首精彩的歌曲《茉莉花》。2号选手Tristan Young幽默地讲述了在少林寺学习功夫的经历;3号选手sara ferreira fernandez一首《我好想你》以优美的声线、标准的发音征服了全场……最终中级组的桂冠由来自泰国的7号选手Nattaporn Lapitananuvat摘取,Nattaporn 用流利的汉语讲述了自己与四川的缘分,分析了川菜麻辣与泰国菜辛辣的不同,配合中国古典音乐快速展示了剪纸技艺,赢得满堂喝彩。

      高级组的表现也是十分亮眼,演讲内容都兼具深度和丰富情感,最终冠军由来自马来西亚的Zhi Yee Lim夺得,她讲述了自身的经历,探讨了海外华裔对中国文字、文化的继承性问题。Zhi Yee Lim一边演唱《手印》,一边用毛笔写下大大的“爱”字,献给自己的母亲,现场充满了温情。Olivia Thompson、sam bigwood两位选手的吉他弹唱《平凡之路》、《成都》,安泰然演唱的《可惜没如果》也以标准的发音和极高的音准给大家留下了深刻的印象。



Posted on Tuesday 14th November 2017

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