The Nottingham Confucius Institute

Alderman White School Confucius Classroom Opening Ceremony

1 October 2016

 1st October 2016, a grand ceremony was held at Alderman White School to celebrate the official opening of the new Alderman White School Confucius Classroom. Representatives from the Education Sector of the Chinese Embassy, as well as the local government, University of Nottingham, Nottingham Confucius Institute, White Hills Park Federation and Nottingham Chinese School all attended the ceremony. They were also joined by around 200 audience members, including students from the Confucius Classroom and their families, teachers from Alderman White School, and families from the local area.

The ceremony consisted of a variety of Chinese cultural workshops that audience members could take part in, speeches and performances, a ribbon-cutting ceremony and a drinks reception. Wonderful speeches were given by Feng Zhi, from the Education Sector of the Chinese Embassy; Marion Clay, from the Nottinghamshire County Council; Nick Miles OBE, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Global Engagement and Advancement at The University of Nottingham; Paul Heery, Head of White Hills Park Federation; and Karsten Stephan, Deputy Executive Head of Alderman White School and Head of the new Alderman White School Confucius Classroom, who all expressed their support and best wishes for the new Confucius Classroom.
The audience also enjoyed a spectacular array of Chinese cultural performances. First, the girls of Nottingham Chinese School Dancing Group gave an incredibly enthusiastic performance of the traditional Xinjiang dance Alamuhan. This was followed by a short play, The Giant Turnip, which was performed by students of Alderman White School in Mandarin, and two beautiful pieces of traditional Chinese music played by the Euphoria China Musician Group. Finally, teachers of Alderman White School combined the two Chinese traditions of Taiji and calligraphy into a performance called The Flow, using Taiji movements to tell the story of a drop of ink dancing over an unfolding piece of white paper. The ceremony then concluded with a drinks reception and selection of delicious Chinese foods.
The ceremony was a total success, and a great start for the development of the new Alderman White School Confucius Classroom.



  活动正式开始后,中国驻英大使馆教育处凤智先生首先致辞,他祝贺了诺丁汉孔院第一家孔子课堂的成立,肯定了孔院工作的成绩,表达了对未来诺丁汉孔院和白山公园学校联盟合作的信心,强调了语言,尤其是汉语对中学生未来发展的重要性, 并祝愿爱德曼·华特孔子课堂在未来的工作中取得更多成绩。
  随后,诺丁汉郡政府教育处Marion Clay女士代表政府发表了讲话,肯定了爱德曼·华特中学今年来工作的成就,赞扬了孔子课堂给学生带来的机会,她说,“孔子课堂给学生带来的不仅仅是语言学习的机会,它代表了教育和语言学习更宽阔的视野,是良好教育的一个标杆”。她认为,孔子课堂的成立将使得诺丁汉郡和中国的联系更加紧密。
  诺丁汉大学国际发展副校长,大英帝国官佐勋章获得者Nick Miles教授代表诺丁汉大学发表讲话,他说,“孔子课堂的成立并不是一朝一夕的事情,而是建立在多年来诺丁汉和中国的友好交流的基础之上的”,他认为,孔子课堂为年轻人提供的机会是不可估量的,并表示大学将继续支持孔子学院和孔子课堂的工作。
  最后,白山公园学校联盟校长Paul Heery先生和爱德曼·华特中学及孔子课堂校长Karsten Stephan先生发表了讲话,他们表达了学校对孔子课堂的大力支持,学校的语言教育有着深厚的基础,而孔子课堂的建立无疑为学校学生提供了更多宝贵的机会和更加广阔的前景。两位校长同时对孔子课堂教师叶李贝贝、张丹丹和黄冰老师的辛勤工作表达了高度赞扬和真挚感谢。
  开幕式的最后,舞台上举行了隆重的剪彩仪式和揭幕仪式。六名身着大红旗袍,手捧花球的礼仪站成一排,白山公园联盟校长Paul Heery先生宣布揭幕,来自使馆、政府和教育界的领导手持金剪,为爱德曼·华特孔子课堂进行剪彩,接着为课堂名牌揭开了红色的帷幔,台下观众热烈鼓掌,典礼宣告结束,爱德曼·华特孔子课堂正式落成。


Posted on Friday 21st October 2016

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