The Nottingham Confucius Institute

Another successful end of course showcase party at NCI!


Evening class students receiving end of course certificates


Over 60 evening class students attended the April end of course showcase party on Friday 7th April at the Si Yuan Centre, following successful completion of their ten-week evening course at the Nottingham Confucius Institute (NCI).

A variety of acts were performed by students from across eight different levels of Mandarin evening courses including Chinese songs “虫儿飞” ("Flying Worms") by Beginners Level Two, “斑马,斑马” ("Zebra, Zebra") by Beginners Level Four, “小幸运” ("A Little Bit of Luck") by Advanced Level Two and ”童话”("Fairy Tales") by Intermediate Level Three. Beginners Level One students also read an ancient Chinese poem ”静夜思” ("Quiet Night Thoughts") by the Tang Dynasty poet, Li Bai.

Two students from Intermediate Level Four, one of them being Dr Peter Bibby, an Associate Professor from the University of Nottingham’s School of Psychology, gave a short talk in Chinese on “为什么有些人特别容易担心” ("Why some people tend to worry more than others"), from a psychological point of view. Students from Intermediate Level Three performed Tai Chi, led by Tony Gleadel, a retired engineer who has been practicing Tai Chi for many years and is a leading member of the Da Tai Chi club supported by NCI.

All performances were well received. A drinks reception followed, along with a fun Easter egg hunt arranged by NCI staff. The whole event was a great opportunity for students to showcase their achievements, get to know our diverse group of staff and students as a whole, socialise and share their love of Chinese language and culture. Feedback from students has already been overwhelmingly positive and we are delighted to have ended the term in style.



文/阎超   图/叶李贝贝





Posted on Monday 10th April 2017

Nottingham Confucius Institute

Room A23, CI Library
Si Yuan Building
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

telephone: +44 (0)115 748 4502
fax: +44 (0)115 846 6324