The Nottingham Confucius Institute

Fudan University Professor talks about Social Media's impact on China at NCI China Seminar


Professor ZHANG Lifen giving a talk at NCI China seminar


ZHANG Lifen, Professor in Journalism from Fudan University, gave an inspiring talk to Nottingham staff and students on “How Social Media is changing China” on 11 April as part of the China Seminar series organised by the Nottingham Confucius Institute.

“China is emerging, unexpectedly, as an insatiable consumer of social media in the world, rewriting human communication history…the Internet has reconfigured the way its people connect with each other and also how the nation is governed,” said Professor Zhang.

Take Wechat for example, the most popular social media platform in China. Its impact has been comprehensive and profound: not only can people in major cities live a cashless life with the platform allowing for all transactions to be made using a basic smartphone, it has also become a the key enabler for previously voiceless people, with viral social media campaigns championing cases of injustice, bringing truth into the open and forcing authorities to act. Professor Zhang presented the Lei Yang case as a perfect example of this.

Vigorous optimism over the social media boom in China does need to be reality-checked with contradictions arising from the strict regulatory regime and information control though. Social media, a national obsession and blessing to many, presents a dilemma for the government and the future of journalism in China. How to keep the right balance and ensure social media serves the public good is yet to be answered, concluded Professor Zhang.

Professor ZHANG Lifen obtained his undergradute degree in Journalism at Fudan University in Shanghai and stayed on as a research-teaching assistant. Later, as a recipient of the prestigious SBFSS scholarship (Sino-British Friendship Scholarship Scheme), he received his PhD in Communications (Media Sociology) from the UK’s University of Leicester. He has been Visiting Professor at the National Chengchi University in Taipei, the Baptist University in Hong Kong, The University of Hong Kong and Fudan University in Shanghai. He has received various international media awards including Asia's SOPA Journalism Award, the BBC Onnasis Bursary and the State Street Award for Outstanding Contributions in Institutional Journalism. He is also a media leader at the World Economic Forum.


文/陈雪群      图/吴爱玉

当地时间4月11日下午两点,诺丁汉大学孔子学院举办了一场由上海复旦大学新闻学院张力奋教授主讲的关于“社交媒体如何改变中国”的学术讲座。讲座由诺丁汉大学亚洲知识交流部主任杰森.菲利(Jason Feehily)主持,吸引了许多诺丁汉大学的老师和同学的参加。



张力奋教授本科毕业于上海复旦大学, 获新闻学学士学位后留校任教。后获SBFSS奖学金(中英友谊奖学金计划)赴英国留学,获得莱斯特大学传媒(媒体社会学)博士学位。曾任台湾政治大学,香港浸会大学,香港大学和上海复旦大学客座教授。获得过多个国际媒体奖项,包括亚洲新闻奖(SOPA)、BBC Onnasis旅行奖、道富机构新闻杰出贡献奖(State Street Award for Outstanding Contributions in Institutional Journalism)。

Posted on Thursday 13th April 2017

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