The Nottingham Confucius Institute

Spectacular "Xīwàng (Hope)" Outdoor Projection Show – a Perfect Way to Welcome the Year of the Tiger

digital projection-2022


In celebration of the Chinese New Year of the Tiger, Nottingham Confucius Institute was proud to present a specially commissioned digital projection show on the evenings of 29 -31 January in partnership with Lakeside Arts and Nottingham City Council.

Designed by local artist Barret Hodgson, the stunning 20 minute digital display illuminated the south face of the University's iconic Trent Building with a visual feast of contemporary and traditional Chinese art and culture. The shows were attended by over 3,000 University staff, students and local residents, including Nottingham City Lord Mayor Councillor David Trimble, former UoN Vice Chancellor and President Professor Sir David Greenaway and Lady Susan Greenaway.

The digital display was very well received with round of applause at the end of each show. Many of the audience also shared pictures and video clips on social media with warm praise: “It was absolutely remarkable!” wrote one resident. “The effects were simply amazing, not just the images and the contrastive lighting but also all the transitions and the way the imagery interacted with the architecture”. “I’ve never seen anything this spectacular outside London!” said one. “WOW!”  wrote another.

To follow Xīwàng, in partnership with Lakeside Arts, we have organised a series of Chinese cultural workshops for children and adults to take place throughout the 15 days of the Chinese New Year celebration period. Children will have the opportunity to enjoy activities such as Calligraphy, Chinese Knot Making and a Lion and Dragon Dance. For adults, local artist Feng-Ru Lee will teach the ancient art of brush painting while Xi Chen will lead a calming and authentic tea ceremony. For more information, please visit



 当地时间1月29日下午5点,为了迎接即将到来的虎年春节,在中国国际中文教育基金会、诺丁汉市政府、诺丁汉大学和复旦大学的大力支持下,由诺丁汉大学孔子学院与诺丁汉湖边艺术中心(Lakeside Arts)共同举办的大型中国新年庆祝活动数字投影灯光秀——“希望”在诺丁汉大学的标志性建筑特伦大楼(Trent Building)盛大开幕。诺丁汉市市长大卫•特林布(Councillor David Trimble)、诺丁汉大学前校长大卫•格林纳威及其夫人苏珊•格林纳威(Professor Sir David and Lady Susan Greenaway)、诺丁汉大学孔子学院各合作教学点校长、诺丁汉大学师生及当地民众观看了本次投影灯光秀。 




最后,斑斓色彩化成了寄托着无数“XĪ WÀNG”(HOPE)的虎年,点亮了本次灯光秀的主题“希望”:凛冬散尽,星河长明,愿新的一年,万事顺遂。掌声响起,整场灯光秀在人们对新年的希冀中落下帷幕。 



Posted on Friday 4th February 2022

Nottingham Confucius Institute

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