The Nottingham Confucius Institute

NCI Co-Director awarded Vice-Chancellor's Medal

Dr Meng receiving the VC medal

Dr Jinrong Meng receiving a Vice-Chancellor's Medal from Prof Sir David Greenaway


Dr Jinrong Meng, Co-director of the Nottingham Confucius Institute (NCI), recently received a Vice-Chancellor’s Medal in recognition of her exceptional contribution to the development of NCI. The award was presented to her by Professor David Greenaway, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nottingham during NCI’s Model Institute Plaque Unveiling ceremony, which took place on 6th September in the Great Hall, University Park Campus.

The Vice-Chancellors’ Medal is an accolade recognising exceptional achievements made by Nottingham University staff and students. It is a great achievement and one awarded only to a handful of people each year.

Prior to joining NCI as Co-Director in December 2014, she worked as Co-Director for four consecutive years at the Confucius Institute of the University of Auckland, New Zealand. With her extraordinary experience, passion and commitment, Dr Meng has led NCI from strength to strength. Since joining in 2015, the Institute’s achievements have included: the opening of the first Confucius Classroom at the Alderman White School in October 2015 – the second is expected to be launched later this year; the first aspiring young leaders delegation visit to China in September 2015; a headteachers’ delegation visit to China in 2016; two table tennis youth delegation visits to China in 2016 and 2017; the opening of the first and so far only Confucius Institute in Mainland China - NCI Ningbo Branch in 2016.

“I am extremely thrilled and honored to receive the Vice Chancellor’s Medal. The award is not just a recognition of my individual effort, but also an affirmation of joint effort from the Confucius Institute staff both past and present. I am very grateful for continued support from the University of Nottingham, Fudan University and Hanban. None of the achievements over the past decade would be possible without it!” said Dr Meng.



图/陈茜 文/陈曦

英国当地时间9月6日上午,在诺丁汉大学特伦特楼(Trent Building)大礼堂举行的诺丁汉大学孔子学院揭牌仪式上,诺丁汉大学校长大卫·格林纳韦教授(Professor Sir David Greenaway)授予诺丁汉大学孔子学院中方院长孟金蓉博士“诺丁汉大学校长奖章”。该奖章旨在颁发给具有突出贡献的教员或学生,孟院长是诺丁汉大学建校以来少数获此殊荣的华人之一。






Posted on Tuesday 12th September 2017

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