The Nottingham Confucius Institute

NCI join the fun at 2017 Wheee Festival



Nottingham Confucius Institute took part in the 2017 International Children's Theatre and Dance Festival (also known as the Wheee Festival) organised by the Lakeside Arts of the University of Nottingham on Saturday 3rd June. The festival is a key event in the regional arts calendar and is eagerly anticipated by children, families and artists. Over 40,000 people have attended the event since the festival was established in 2005. 

NCI staff and student volunteers delivered three activities for hundreds of local children across the day – dinosaur origami, dinosaur Play-Doh and dinosaur colouring: all part of this year’s dinosaur theme (恐龙 - Kǒnglóng - ‘Scary Dragon’). 

NCI’s marquee was one of the most popular on the day. Feedback was very encouraging. A thank you letter from the organsier at the Lakeside summed up the warm reception wonderfully: “you always have a flux of people at your activities… it’s almost impossible to catch your breath. Having you and your amazing team of artists really added something extra special to this year’s festival.” 

This is just one other example of NCI actively engaging with the local community. By offering children and their families the opportunity to take part in our activities, we hope more and more people get to know about NCI, appreciate our value and the wide range of outreach programmes we do to help promote Chinese culture and the Sino-UK relationship.



(图/文   李柏林)






Posted on Tuesday 6th June 2017

Nottingham Confucius Institute

Room A23, CI Library
Si Yuan Building
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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