The Nottingham Confucius Institute

Nottingham Confucius Institute holds 8th 'China and Me' Mandarin Speaking Contest

On 9th November 2016, Nottingham Confucius Institute held its 8th ‘China and Me’ Mandarin Speaking Contest at The University of Nottingham’s Siyuan Centre, Jubilee Campus. 15 Mandarin learners from different countries, including the UK, Italy and Venezuela among others, came to take part in the competition.

The event began with a speech made by Dr Chen, the acting director of NCI, followed by the speaking contest itself, which was split into Beginners and Advanced levels. The Beginner’s Level contest was won by a group of 3 students led by Sofia Ben, who despite having only been learning Mandarin for 4 weeks surprised the judges with an excellent conversational performance. The Advanced Level contest was won by Marian Cecilia Ramirez Nino, who gave a thought-provoking speech followed by a wonderful performance of Shanghai Opera.

Both the participants and judges found the contest to have been a truly enjoyable event. After the winners were announced, an excited Marian said she never thought she would win but was very happy. Another participant said it had been a really good opportunity to learn Mandarin, and that although he didn’t win it had still been an incredibly rewarding experience for him.






  孔子学院英方执行院长陈健教授为此次比赛致开幕词,感谢选手们的积极参与,希望大家好好享受比赛。本次比赛共分为两组:初级组和高级组。初级组的选手做了充分的准备,从发音到内容都让人很难想象他们只学习了4个星期的中文。对于高级组选手来说,则更是高手过招、各显神通。最终,经过评审团的认真打分和评议,初级组Sofia Ben的三人小组凭借其流利的汉语表达,有意思的日常交际情景,在初级组选手中脱颖而出;高级组的Marian Cecilia Ramirez Nino更是凭借着融入中国文化时对自己的根属于哪里的哲学思考与精彩的沪剧演唱摘得高级组比赛的桂冠。



Posted on Monday 21st November 2016

Nottingham Confucius Institute

Room A23, CI Library
Si Yuan Building
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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