The Nottingham Confucius Institute

NCI holds successful training day for local Mandarin teachers

9.7.2017group photo


On 9 July, Nottingham Confucius Institute organised and ran an intensive training programme for over 20 Mandarin teachers from local primary and secondary schools in Nottingham. The event aimed to provide a career development opportunity for local teachers to learn about some of the latest development in Chinese language teaching and a forum to discuss current issues and ideas. 

The day began with talks from three keynote speakers: Dr Xin Gao, Course Leader for the MA Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL), School of Education, University of Nottingham on “Understanding L2 learners of Chinese in the UK - L2 motivation and others”; Dr Lingling Mao, Subject Leader for Mandarin Chinese of the School of Arts & Humanities, Nottingham Trent University on “How to teach Chinese characters”; and HE Yuan, National 1st Class Performer from Sichuan Symphony Orchestra on “The power of music in teaching Chinese language and culture”. 

Following the talks, a round table discussion took place, led by Dr Xuezhong Sun, headmaster of the Nottingham Chinese School. All three invited speakers joined in exchanging ideas on all kinds of practical questions put forward by the attendees, ranging from how to motivate pupils in the UK to learn Mandarin, how to balance fun activities and exam results-driven learning, to how to deal with difficult student behaviour. 

Feedback from all participants was extremely positive. “The benefit of the training has been all round- the L2 Motivation theory is inspiring, the methodology for teaching Chinese characters is useful, and tips on how to speak and sing and use music to teach Mandarin are fantastic ,” said one of the teachers. “The training day has met my expectation and more. I would certainly like to attend more training events like this” commented another.  

“It was great to see all attendees very much engaged in the talks and discussions. They have clearly encountered difficulties in their daily teaching jobs. This event has successfully offered them the opportunity to find some answers and be inspired by experts and colleagues in the same field,” commented Dr Jinrong Meng, Co-director of NCI. 

Nottingham Confucius Institute was established in 2007. It is committed to promoting Chinese language and teaching. More teacher conferences and training opportunities are being planned for the near future. 



                                                                               文/吕羽晗  图/付曼 






     最后在诺丁汉中文学校孙校长的主持下,与会的所有汉语教师进行了一场深入有趣的“圆桌讨论”。或提出教学困惑,或例举教学实例,或提供教学建议,每个人都积极参与其中,投身于汉语教学一线的各位教师在分享自己教学经验的同时,也从其他教师的实践中汲取了日后可用的宝贵经验。在会后的反馈表中,大家都对此次培训的评价极高,“The benefit of the training has been all round- the L2 Motivation theory is inspiring, the methodology for teaching Chinese characters is useful, and tips on how to speak and sing and use music to teach Mandarin are fantastic”; “The training day has met my expectation and more. I would certainly like to attend more training events like this”.

Posted on Tuesday 11th July 2017

Nottingham Confucius Institute

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Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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