The Nottingham Confucius Institute

Warren Primary Academy pupils enjoy workshop led by NCI teachers


Blow painting by a school pupil


On 26 June, over 30 Year Four pupils at Warren Primary Academy attended a Chinese language and cultural workshop delivered by NCI teachers Miss Yuhan Lyu and Miss Xuequn Chen. 

The two-hour workshop consisted of  three activities: a language taster, paper cutting and cherry blossom blow painting.  Following a general introduction to China, pupils learnt how to say a few basic Chinese phrases such as "Thank you!" and "Goodbye" along with Chinese numbers from one to ten. Paper cutting involved creating and cutting the Chinese character for ‘Spring’ - ‘春’. Cherry blossom blow painting saw the pupils blow drops of ink on paper in different directions to form branches and then decorate the branches with paint to form cherry blossom.

There was a great feeling of fun and energy throughout the lesson. The consensus was that the lesson was two hours very well spent, with several of the keen young minds in attendance expressing an interest in learning more!



诺丁汉孔子学院赴Warren Primary Academy开展文化工作坊



       当地时间6月26日,诺丁汉大学孔子学院吕羽晗、陈雪群两位老师应邀到Warren Primary Academy开展了工作坊活动。本次的活动对象为31名四年级的小学生,活动时长为2小时,共包括基础汉语教学、剪纸、吹墨梅花三大板块。让学生们既学习了日常交际所需的基础汉语,也感受到了中国文化的别样魅力。





Posted on Monday 10th July 2017

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