Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Helping lady out of car


Caring responsibilities

We appreciate that some individuals have a responsibility to care for parents, siblings or other relatives who are unwell, disabled or in need of support or supervision.

There can be a considerable amount of time, effort and commitment involved in caring for a loved one, so we want to support you with your studies or work during this time. 

Definition of a carer

A carer is anyone who is responsible, unpaid, for the care of a friend, family member or another person who, for a variety of reasons, is not currently able to cope without their support. Carers are a diverse group and every caring situation is different – the person being cared for may be ill, frail, disabled, experiencing a time of mental distress or suffering from substance misuse.


Information for students 

If you are a carer and you may need to join a lecture later or leave earlier due to your caring responsibilities, please inform your lecturers at the earliest opportunity so they can support you where they can. 

We appreciate that many of our postgraduate students have caring responsibilities. If you are a postgraduate student, we strongly encourage you to advise and work with your supervisor to help manage your caring responsibilities alongside your studies. 

You may find these links useful: 



Information for staff 

The university offers a number of initiatives to support staff with caring responsibilities. 

Carers' Staff Network 

If you are looking for peer support, the University of Nottingham Carers’ Network is available for all staff members who are carers.

The network provides a supportive space where members can exchange information and ideas. It also acts as a mechanism for communication with the university, providing a forum for staff to consult on policy developments and advise on best practice. The network is supported by the HR team.

Given the time constraints that the majority of carers experience, face-to-face meetings are held once a year. All network members are invited, but individuals do not have to attend meetings to remain members of the network. Some network events are informal gatherings and some are more structured, inviting speakers to address topical issues affecting the caring community.

As well as meeting in person, the network also offers online support. 

Supporting you in difficult circumstances 

At times your circumstances may require you to be absent from work. The Long-term Carers’ Leave Policy outlines how we can support you in this. However, there are a number of other relevant policies that you may wish to refer to and you may benefit from discussing the different options with your line manager. Alternatively, you can contact an Employment Relations Advisor for further advice and support.

You may also find these links useful: 

How to join

Please contact the Carers’ Staff Network if you'd like to join. 



Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Trent Building
University Park Campus