Advanced Materials Research Group

The benefits of electromagnetic heating in materials processing arise from selective heating of specific phases within a bulk material and the ability to dissipate energy volumetrically throughout the material.

Consequently, processing times can be up to 1000 times faster compared to conventional heat sources. This can deliver significant energy savings, and enables plant equipment to be smaller and potentially portable, operating in remote locations or close to the end use.

Processes can be rapidly started and shut down, enhancing operability and efficiency.

Advantages of MPE 466

Advantages of Microwave Processing


As microwaves are powered by an electrical source they can utilise renewable sources, improving sustainability.

Reduced energy use


Reduced energy use

Reduced waste


Reduced waste

Lower environmental impact


Lower environmental impact

Superior product quality and yield


Superior product quality and yield

Enhanced catalytic performance


Enhanced catalytic performance

Batch to continuous processing


Batch to continuous processing

Inherent safety


Inherent safety

Cross sector technology transfer


Cross sector technology transfer


Advanced Materials Research Group

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD