

Nutrition and Dietetics MNutr

...including Hong Kong. Job prospectus Average starting...

Neuroscience MSci Hons neuroscience graduates. Job prospects Average starting...further; assisting with job or course applications, searching

Geography with Business BA Hons

...and Tesla Motors. Job prospects Average starting...further; assisting with job or course applications, searching

Natural Sciences with International Study BSc Hons

...the sort of jobs our graduates go...for further study. Job prospects Average starting...further; assisting with job or

Plant Biology MSci Hons

...employability in the environmental job sector. Topics covered will include Plant...

Biology MSci Hons

...for research scholarships and jobs in industry. Travel while you learnĀ  The...

American Studies and English BA Jt Hons

...when applying for jobs and during interviews. From...after in the job market. This module is

Chemistry BSc Hons

...have gone into. Job Prospects Average starting...

Sport Rehabilitation BSc Hons

...and/or teaching. Job prospects Average starting...further; assisting with job or course applications, searching

Environmental Science MSci Hons

...can help you to secure to a graduate job. Our students have been on placement with...
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