Visual Learning Lab

Intern News


VLL Interns at Freshers' Fair
VLL Interns Li Shanshan and Kara Jones at the Freshers' Fair in September 2009.
Ellie and Claire videoing
Ellie Stone and Claire Mann videoing at the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies conference.


The interns have been working on a three-phase project around What is Visual Learning.   This has involved running student focus groups; making a video out of the feedback; reporting the findings back to staff at School-level to feed into their teaching practice.

1.Focus Groups

The interns are all students.  As such, they are very well-placed to talk to their peers and find out what they think.  Each focus group was conducted by one of the student interns and all attendance was voluntary. All of the focus groups gathered feedback following a set of questions about the student learning experience, with a particular focus on visual learning. The results were voice recorded and then transcribed. The data collected from these sessions was then coded by picking out reoccurring key themes and ideas.


The interns ended up with over seventy pages of coded data and have distilled key messages from this into a fifteen-minute short video.  The video, What is Visual Learning  uses the words of the students themselves, and this gives the video quite an impact!


The video included plenty of feedback - positive and negative - on how visual learning is currently enlivening (or not!) the learning experience at the University.  The interns convened workshops at School-level with staff to feed this back.


Click on the image below to watch the VLL Interns' video What is Visual Learning?  It has already had lots of hits on You Tube, and some great feedback from academic colleagues and students alike.

still from student video submission in geog

For information about projects and initiaitves that the VLL interns have been involved with in the past, please see the Interns' Archive pages.

Watch this space for news of the winner of the student video competition!















Visual Learning Lab

Dearing Building, University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 4424
fax: +44 (0) 115 846 8401