C.I. ELVIS CHIKWEM, B. BAHAR, K. DERECKA, G.A. WHITE, M. CASTELLANOS and C.J. O'SHEA, 2024. Identification of differences in digestive organ weight, bone mineral concentration, and ileal transcriptomic profiles of low and high weight broiler chicks Journal of Agricultural Science. 162, 394-403
J. WAINWRIGHT, K.M. MILLAR and G.A. WHITE, 2022. Owners' views of canine nutrition, weight status and wellbeing and their implications for the veterinary consultation. Journal of Small Animal Practice.
C.L. ELVIS-CHINWEM, G.A. WHITE, E. BURTON, K. DERECKA, S.V. REINA, J. HANKINS and C.J. O'SHEA, 2021. Evaluation of the tibial bone ash and mineral concentration of Ross 308 broilers with divergent bodyweights on Day 7. In: Proceedings of British Society of Animal Science 2021. 150.
S. AFRIN, J.S. LEWIS, J.A. LOWE, V. STREET, S. JOHNSON and G.A. WHITE, 2020. Evaluation of extrusion processing in canine diets, as influenced by dietary protein source In: Companion Animal Nutrition Conference 2020 (University of Northampton and Pet Food Manufacturers Association) 13 February 2020.
S. HORMOZI, G.A. WHITE and J.A. LOWE, 2020. Evaluation of amino acid digestibility in extruded canine diets, differing in protein and starch source, using a broiler model In: Companion Animal Nutrition Conference 2020 (University of Northampton and Pet Food Manufacturers Association) 13 February 2020.
G.A. WHITE, E. BERRY, N. WALLIS, R.F. SMITH and K.M. MILLAR, 2020. Canine nutrition: attitudes and purchasing decisions, as influenced by owner age In: Companion Animal Nutrition Conference 2020 (University of Northampton and Pet Food Manufacturers Association) 13 February 2020.
M. TIERNEY, H. ELLIOTT, V. DANGPRASERT, V. STREET, S. JOHNSON, J. LOWE and G.A. WHITE, 2020. Cereal vs. vegetable starch: evaluation of nutrient digestibility and performance in extruded canine diets In: Proceedings of British Society of Animal Science 2020. 168.
M. KOOT, M. LIPTOVSZKY, F. PATEL and G.A. WHITE, 2020. Mineral and starch content in semi-aquatic plants: a potential dietary addition for captive Western Lowland Gorillas In: Proceedings of British Society of Animal Science 2020.
K. VANGELIS, H. BOWE, G.A. WHITE, N. SAUNDERS, J. HANKIN and C.J. O'SHEA, 2020. Nutritional evaluation and composition of eight commercial adult and senior dog diets in the UK In: Proceedings of British Society of Animal Science 2020.
C.L. ELVIS-CHINWEM, E. BURTON, G.A. WHITE, K. DERECKA and C.J. O'SHEA, 2020. Evaluating the causes of variation in performance of broiler chicks at first week of life. In: Proceedings of British Society of Animal Science 2020.
L.J. CONEYWORTH, R. JESSOP, P. MADEN and G. WHITE, 2019. The overlooked cohort? Improving the taught postgraduate student experience in Higher Education Innovations in Education and Teaching International. L. J. TENNANT, G.A. WHITE, R. ANNAND-IVELL and P. C. GARNSWORTHY, 2017. Relationship between feed efficiency, milk yield, rumination rate and faecal glucocorticoids in dairy cows. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science 2017.
M.M. KASPRZAK, J.G.M. HOUDIJK, S. LIDDELL, K. DAVIS, O.A. OLUKOSI, S. KIGHTLEY, G.A. WHITE and J. WISEMAN, 2016. Rapeseed napin and cruciferin are readily digested by poultry. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. L. J. TENNANT, G.A. WHITE, R. ANNAND-IVELL and P. C. GARNSWORTHY, 2016. Non-invasive indicators of rumen function and stress in dairy cows. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science. 115
G.A. WHITE, L. WARD, C. PINK, J. CRAIGON and K.M. MILLAR, 2016. "Who's been a good dog?" - Owner perceptions and motivations for treat giving. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 132, 14-19 G.A. WHITE, J. CRAIGON and K.M. MILLAR, 2016. Dog owner perceptions and motivations for treat feeding In: Companion Animal Nutrition Conference (Moulton College / Pet Food Manufacturers' Association, 3 June 2016).
WHITE, G. A., SMITH, L., HOUDIJK, J.G.M, HOMER, D., KYRIAZAKIS, I. and WISEMAN, J., 2015. Replacement of soya bean meal with peas and faba beans in growing / finishing pig diets: effect on performance, carcass composition and nutrient excretion. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 209, 202-210 WHITE, G. A., RICHARDS, P.J., WU, S., MELLITS, K.H. and WISEMAN, J., 2015. Assessment of caecal parameters in layer hens fed diets containing wheat distillers dried grains with solubles. British Poultry Science. 56(4), 494-502 KASPRZAK, M., WHITE, G.A., KIGHTLEY, S., HOUDIJK, J., OLUKOSI, O. and WISEMAN, J., 2015. Amino acid digestibility in rapeseed co-products varies between processing conditions and varieties In: British Poultry Abstracts. 11. 1-2 MASEY O'NEILL, H.V., WHITE G.A., LI, D., BEDFORD, M.R., HTOO, J.K. and WISEMAN, J., 2014. Influence of the in vitro method and basal dietary ingredients employed in the determination of the amino acid digestibility of wheat distillers dried grains with solubles in broilers Poultry Science. 93(5), 1178-1185 WHITE, G. A. and WISEMAN, J., 2013. Assessment of egg quality and gut environment of layer hens fed diets formulated with varying levels of Wheat Distillers Dark Grains with Solubles (W-DDGS) British Poultry Abstracts. 9(1), 35-36
HOUDIJK, J., SMITH, L., TARSITANO, D., TOLKAMP, B, TOPP, C., MASEY-O'NEILL, H., WHITE G., WISEMAN, J., KIGHTLEY, S. and KYRIAZAKIS, I., 2013. Peas and faba beans as home grown alternatives to soya bean meal in growing and finishing pig diets. In: P C GARNSWORTHY and J WISEMAN, eds., Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition 45. 145-175
KUCHIPUDI, S.V., DUNHAM, S.P., NELLI, R., WHITE, G.A., COWARD, V.J., SLOMKA, M.J., BROWN, I.H. and CHANG, K.C., 2012. Rapid death of duck cells infected with influenza: a potential mechanism for host resistance to H5N1 Immunology & Cell Biology. 90(1), 116-123 NELLI, R.K., DUNHAM, S.P., KUCHIPUDI, S.V., WHITE, G.A., BAQUERO-PEREZ, B., CHANG, P., GHAEMMAGHAMI, A., BROOKES, S.M., BROWN, I.H. and CHANG, K.-C., 2012. Mammalian innate resistance to highly pathogenic avian influenza h5n1 virus infection is mediated through reduced pro-inflammation and infectious virus release Journal of Virology. 86(17), 9201-9210 KUCHIPUDI, S.V., TELLABATI, M., NELLI, R.K., WHITE, G.A., BAQUERO-PEREZ, B., SEBASTIAN, S., SLOMKA, M.A., BROOKES, S.M., BROWN, I.H., DUNHAM, S.P. and CHANG, K.C., 2012. 18s rRNA is a reliable normalisation gene for real time PCR derived from influenza virus infected cells Virol.J.. 9, G. WHITE, L. SMITH, D. HOMER, J. WISEMAN, J.G.M. HOUDIJK and I. KYRIAZAKIS, 2012. Nutritional value of diets for growing/finishing pigs containing high levels of home grown legumes compared with one based on soyabean meal. 2: Carcass quality In: Advances in Animal Bioscience. 3. 24
G. WHITE, J. WISEMAN, L.A. SMITH, J.G.M. HOUDIJK and I. KYRIAZAKIS, 2012. Nutritional value of diets for growing/finishing pigs containing high levels of home grown legumes compared with one based on soyabean meal. 1: Growth performance In: Advances in Animal Bioscience. 3. 52
G. WHITE and J. WISEMAN, 2012. Using home grown peas and beans to replace soyabean meal diets does not impair nitrogen balance in pigs In: Advances in Animal Bioscience. 3. 62
R.K. NELLI, S.V. KUCHIPUDI, G.A. WHITE, S.P. DUNHAM, I.H. BROWN AND K.C. CHANG, 2011. Defective viral replication and lack of pro-inflammatory cytokine response contribute to innate host resistance in H5N1 influenza virus infected primary pig cells In: Advances in Animal Bioscience. 2. 225
G.A. WHITE, S.P. DUNHAM, R.K. NELLI, I.H. BROWN, S.V. KUCHIPUDI AND K.C. CHANG, 2011. Comparative chemokine response to influenza infection between key primary human and pig cells In: Advances in Animal Bioscience. 2. 223
G.A. WHITE, S.P. DUNHAM, S.M. BROOKES, A. GERMUNDSSON, F. GARCON, A. NUNEZ, K.C. CHANG AND I.H. BROWN., 2011. Pigs and the H1N1 pandemic: Innate immune responses in experimentally infected pigs In: Advances in Animal Bioscience. 2. 45
NELLI, R.K, KUCHIPUDI, S.V, DUNHAM, S.P, GHAEMMAGHAMI, A, WHITE, G.A, BROWN, I.H. and CHANG, K.C., 2011. Impaired viral replication (antiviral) and reduced pro-inflammatory response contribute to innate host resistance in H5N1 influenza virus infected primary pig cells. In: Pathogenesis of Influenza: Virus-Host Interactions, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 58
WHITE, G.A., HOBSON-WEST, P., COBB, K., CRAIGON, J., HAMMOND, R. and MILLAR, K.M., 2011. Canine obesity: is there a difference between veterinarian and owner perception? Journal of Small Animal Practice. 52(12), 622-626 S.V. KUCHIPUDI, S.P. DUNHAM, R.K. NELLI, G.A. WHITE, V. COWARD, M. SLOMKA, I.H. BROWN and K.C. CHANG, 2011. Host pro-inflammatory cytokine response as a fundamental key to host survival or death in ducks and chickens infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus British Poultry Abstracts. 7(1), 43-44
R.K.NELLI, S.V.KUCHIPUDI, G.A.WHITE, S.P.DUNHAM, I.H.BROWN and K.C.CHANG, 2011. Defective viral replication and lack of pro-inflammatory cytokine response contribute to innate host resistance in H5N1 influenza virus infected primary pig cells In: Food Security - Challenges and Opportunities for Animal Science. Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work. 225
NELLI, R.K., KUCHIPUDI, S.V., WHITE, G.A., PEREZ, B.B., DUNHAM, S.P. and CHANG, K.-C., 2010. Comparative distribution of human and avian type sialic acid influenza receptors in the pig. BMC Veterinary Research. 6(1), 4 DOUCET, F.J., WHITE, G., WULFERTT, F., HILL, S.E. and WISEMAN, J., 2010. Predicting in vivo starch digestibility coefficients in newly weaned piglets from in vitro assessment of diets using multivariate analysis. British Journal of Nutrition. 103(9), 1309-1318 KUCHIPUDI, S.V., NELLI, R., WHITE G., BAIN, M., CHANG, K.C. and DUNHAM, S., 2009. Differences in influenza virus receptor in chickens and ducks: implications for interspecies transmission. J. Mol.Genetic Med.. 3, 143-151
DOUCET, F.J, WHITE, G.A, WISEMAN, J. and HILL, S.E., 2007. Changes to starch structure during processing - Implications for digestibility in newly-weaned piglets. FEED COMPOUNDER. 27(3), 28-29
COTTRILL, B, SMITH, C, BERRY, P, WEIGHTMAN, R, WISEMAN, J, WHITE, G. and TEMPLE, M, 2007. Opportunities and implications of using the co-products from biofuel production as feeds for livestock: Report prepared for: HGCA, EBLEX and BPEX. Research Review No. 66
WHITE, G, WISEMAN, J, DOUCET, F.J. and HILL, S.E., 2007. Effect of raw cereal type on digestibility of starch in the weaned piglet In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science. 76
WHITE, G, DOUCET, F, HILL, S. and WISEMAN, J, 2006. The effect of wheat endosperm texture on nutritional value for weaned piglets In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science. 29
WHITE, G, DOUCET, F, HILL, S. and WISEMAN, J., 2006. Influence of wheat endosperm texture and degree of cook on digestibility of starch in the small intestine of the weaned piglet. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science. 117
DOUCET, F. J., WHITE, G., WISEMAN, J. and HILL, S. E., 2006. Physicochemical changes to starch structure during processing of raw materials and their implications for starch digestibility in newly weaned piglets Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition. 40, 313-330