International Centre for Brewing Science

Full-time (1 Year) MSc in Brewing Science and Practice 

This course is targeted at graduate scientists or engineers interested in pursuing a career in the brewing industry. No specialist knowledge of brewing is required at entry but you will be amazed by how much you learn during one year!

You will get extensive practical brewing training throughout the course using our excellent pilot brewing facilities. Full training in beer design is accompanied by ample opportunity to put your recipes into practice.

Design and brew beers

Design and brew beers


Enter beers in our annual beer design competition and apply for the Cuckoo collaborative project where a team of students get to design, cuckoo-brew and launch a beer to trade in partnership with a local brewery. Our lectures and learning materials provide a sound understanding of the scientific principles underpinning the brewing process. Materials are up to date with latest developments in brewing practice around the world.

Beer design presentations and judging

Beer design presentations and judging

The Masters research project offers students the opportunity to partner with industry to apply their knowledge to a short piece of targeted research.

The brewing department at Nottingham is strongly linked into the industry, both locally and globally. Students learning is enhanced through trips and industrial visits. We can help arrange work experience in local breweries develop your CV. We focus on the development of employability skills through our Fit for Work program which includes presentations from prospective employers. Our graduates are in demand and are employed in roles throughout the industry.

Follow the link below to learn more about full-time MSc course structure, fees and how to apply.

Go on brilliant brewery tours

Go on brilliant brewery tours


Learn more about full-time MSc course   

Hear from two recent graduates how studying the MSc Brewing Science and Practice helped kick-start their careers, leading to their present roles with Beavertown Brewery:



Brewing Science

School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Loughborough, Leics
LE12 5RD


Brewing Apprenticeship enquiries: +44 (0)115 9516742
All other Brewing Course enquiries: +44 (0)115 9516191
Brewing Research and General enquiries: +44 (0)115 9516245