Nottingham University Business School
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Dr Ahmed Barakat

PhD (Frankfurt), PGCHE (The University of Nottingham), Certified in Quantitative Risk Management (CQRM) (International Institute of Professional Education and Research (IIPER) ), Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (The University of Nottingham)
Assistant Professor in Banking

Department: Finance, Risk and Banking
Centre/Institute: GCBFI
Tel: +44 (0) 115 8466643
Location: C09 (North Building, Jubilee Campus)


The following lists my publications from 2014 to the present day.

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I am teaching a number of undergraduate and postgraduate courses whose syllabuses address the financial and accounting aspects of risk management and corporate governance in financial and non-financial institutions. I also supervise around 5 or 6 MSc and MBA dissertations and internships on similar topics every year.

Ahmed is module convenor of the following module(s):


Risk Management Decisions (BUSI2050)


Central Banking Theory and Practice (BUSI4429)
Risk Analysis (BUSI4450)

Details of all modules can be found on MyNottingham

Corporate Governance; Risk Management; Banking & Insurance; Audit Committees; Earnings Management, Financial Reporting Quality; Executive Compensation

Ahmed is currently supervising the following Research Students:

Elham Vosughi Kia
Hurvashee Persand-Gujadhur Gya
Khaled Alatram
Lan Yang
Nadia Bousmina
Xiaotian Wang
School Administrative Roles
Department Teaching Director (FRB)



Nottingham University Business School

Jubilee Campus

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