Nottingham University Business School
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Hurvashee Persand-Gujadhur Gya

Room: C30A (South Building)
Tel: +44 (0) 115 84
Email:  lixhp9@nottingham,

Current Status: Completed
Year of Registration: 2015
Expected Completion Date: /09/2018

Primary Funding Source:
NUBS and Vice-Chancellor Scholarship

Research Topic:
The interrelations of Reputational Risk, Credit Risk and Liquidity Risk in U.S. banks

Research Details:
The on-going economic and financial turmoil that started in 2007 has put banks at the centre of harsh debate and massive criticism, in particular with respect to their role as risk takers while maintaining or enhancing profitability and their competitive positioning. Banks face critical risks such as credit risk, liquidity risk and operational risk, which can cause considerable threats to the financial health, growth and lead to severe reputational damage to these institutions. Previous research has demonstrated consistent evidence of substantial reputational losses as a result of large operational risk event announcements (Perry and de Fontnouvelle, 2005; Cummins et al., 2006; Gillet et al., 2010). However, literature has been completely silent about the potential impact of credit risk and liquidity risk on reputational risk and how reputational risk in turn can affect these two major risks. My study therefore aims at conducting the first empirical assessment of the contemporaneous and lagged interrelations of bank-level credit risk, liquidity risk and reputational risk among U.S. listed banks using publicly reported loss data in the period 1980 to 2015. Subsequently, the empirical results will be linked to the previous theoretical models and empirical evidence in the literature in order to finally come up with evidence-based recommendations to boards, managers, regulators and supervisory authorities on the most effective risk management strategies to secure stability of banks while also ensuring shareholder value maximisation.

Research Supervisor/s: Ahmed Barakat and Kevin Amess

Department: Finance, Risk and Banking

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