Nottingham University Business School
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Alison Sinclair

Image of Alison Sinclair
BSc (Hons) (University College London), MPhil (University of Oxford), HEA Associate Fellow (Nottingham)
Assistant Professor in Industrial Economics (Teaching Focus)

Department: Industrial Economics
Tel: +44 (0) 115 8468177
Location: C43 (North Building, Jubilee Campus)

I'm interested in a wide range of economics-related courses and, over the last 5 years, have led or contributed to a number of modules at Nottingham University Business School, including modules on macroeconomics, quantitative methods, research methods, multinational enterprises, microeconomics, law and economics. In most years I convene 2-3 modules and collaborate on another 2 modules, so I look forward to expanding my teaching portfolio in the future and to further exploring subject areas and learning techniques with students and colleagues.

On the admin side I have contributed to the School's UG exams team and to its study abroad team. Based on student feedback and my own experience with living in Germany, Brazil, France and the UK, I can only recommend a semester or year abroad. It does not fit everyone's circumstances and provides a number of challenges, but it's a special experience.

Before I joined Nottingham University Business School in 2013 I had a 10-year stint at Intelligent Financial Systems, a start-up in London in the financial software industry. This involved many varied roles, including project and client manager, manager of live system hosting team, data analyst, coder and customer support. These years were a good introduction to how small privately-owned businesses operate, to financial derivatives and equities, feed handlers and high-frequency data and to working with clients in London and the US such as the London Stock Exchange, NYSE-Euronext, LIFFE, ICE, CBOE, CBOT, Thomson, FTSE and Willis.

By 2013 I had already collaborated with the School for 3 years as a part-time independent lecturer while going through a career break and engaging in a range of other activities, including community volunteering and spending time in Germany.

Prior to the years in the private sector in London, I worked for 4 years at the University of Potsdam (Germany) and Staffordshire University, teaching economics and learning about "newer" universities in comparison to the "older" universities I had experienced as an undergraduate and postgraduate (UCL, Oxford).

Alison is module convenor of the following module(s):


Economic Principles (BUSI1097)

Details of all modules can be found on MyNottingham

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Nottingham University Business School

Jubilee Campus

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