B.Sc. (QUB), B. Leg. Sc. (QUB), Pg. Dip (DIT), Fellow (Royal Society), SEDA Award (University of Ulster, UK), PgCHEP (University of Ulster, UK), PhD (Nottingham), Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (University of Ulster, UK), SEDA Award (University of Ulster, UK), SEDA Award (University of Ulster, UK), Senior Fellow of Advance HE (formerly the HEA) (The University of Nottingham)
Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Department: Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and EntrepreneurshipCentre/Institute: HGIE-mail: Lorna.Treanor@nottingham.ac.ukTel: +44 (0) 115 8466220
Location: B35 (South Building, Jubilee Campus)
Dr Lorna Treanor FRSA, SFHEA is an Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation and acts as Research Impact Lead for Nottingham University Business School, having previously served as Departmental Research Director for the Haydn Green Institute within NUBS 2019-2022 and School Conduct Officer 2022-2023. Lorna's research interests lie in the area of entrepreneurship, she has explored the influence of gender upon (mainly women's) entrepreneurial activities within atypical contexts. Lorna is President of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, having previously served as Vice President for Research & Communities since 2020. Lorna co-founded the Gender and Enterprise Network, an ISBE Special Interest Group, established in 2010 to promote scholarly research into the gendering of entrepreneurship. This is now an international network with over 800 members and Lorna remains an active member of the Organising Committee. Lorna serves as a Consulting Editor for the International Small Business Journal (ISBJ, CABS 3*) having joined the editorial board in 2016. Informed by her research interests and external engagement activity, Lorna devised the Charter for Inclusive Entrepreneurship which she co-authored with Helen Burkinshaw from The Women's Organisation and developed in collaboration with regional stakeholders such as D2N2, the Local Enterprise Partnership, East Midlands Chamber of Commerce, FSB and NTU among others. The Charter for Inclusive Entrepreneurship aims to facilitate development of an inclusive ecosystem so that individuals wishing to pursue entrepreneurial activity can access suitable support, equitably, regardless of their personal background or characteristics.
Areas of ExpertiseGender; entrepreneurship; inclusive entrepreneurship; women's enterprise; innovation; professions; STEM; entrepreneurship education.
Lorna adopts a research-led teaching approach ensuring students benefit from the latest insights in the field. She seeks to maximise student skill-building and employability by incorporating a problem-solving, experiential learning approach within modules where possible and encouraging students to engage in reflexive practice.
Lorna is module convenor of the following module(s):
International Entrepreneurship (BUSI2049)
Details of all modules can be found on
Lorna's research interests lie in the broad area of entrepreneurship, small business ownership and entrepreneurial behaviours; her particular focus is on the influence of gender upon entrepreneurial activity, as such she has explored: women's entrepreneurship in atypical contexts such as business incubators, STEM careers and social enterprise, she has also explored the influence of masculinities on women's career progression to self-employed professional practice partnerships. Lorna is also interested in entrepreneurship education for SET/STEMM students and the potential influence of gender in this regard. Lorna completed her PhD at the University of Nottingham exploring the impact of gender on women's entrepreneurial activity and the relationship with industry structure within the feminising, UK veterinary profession.
Lorna is currently collaborating on the following projects:
- The Gender Financing Gap in STEM Entrepreneurship
Lorna is currently supervising the following Research Students:
Edward Halls
Marzena Reszka
Nkechi Adeeko
Sahattaya Achtzehn