Dr Stephan Jagau
BSc (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management), MPhil (University of Amsterdam), PhD Economics (University of Amsterdam)
Assistant Professor in Industrial Economics
Department: Industrial EconomicsE-mail: stephan.jagau@nottingham.ac.ukTel: +44 (0) 115 9515258
Location: B31 (North Building, Jubilee Campus)
MPhil Economics (Tinbergen Institute), PhD Economics (University of Amsterdam), Postdoc (University of California, Irvine)
Areas of ExpertiseDecision- and Game-Theory, Behavioural Economics, Experimental Economics, Evolutionary Theory
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Stephan's research spans Behavioural- and Experimental-Economics as well as Game- and Decision-Theory. He is a member of the EPICENTER for research in epistemic game theory at Maastricht University and a co-director of the HIVE-initiative to develop an international highly integrated virtual environment for experiment social science.